Divine Power Quotes

Text Quotes
A prayerless age will have but scant models of divine power. The age may be a better age than the past, but there is an infinite distance between the betterment of an age by the force of an advancing civilization and its betterment by the increase of holiness and Christlikeness by the energy of prayer. (Divine Power Quotes)
This terror then and drakness of mind must be dispelled not by the rays of the sun and glittering shafts of day, but by the aspect and the law of nature; the warp whose design we shall begin with this first principle, nothing is ever gotten out of nothing by divine power. (Divine Power Quotes)
The redemptive power of divine grace no longer seemed credible, nor very respectable in the arbitrary performance that was claimed for it. (Divine Power Quotes)
The reason is that they utter these words of theirs not by virtue of a skill, but by a divine power - otherwise, if they knew how to speak well on one topic thanks to a skill, they would know how to speak about every other topic too. (Divine Power Quotes)
The task of the church, for example, becomes less that of indoctrinating or relating people to an external divine power and more that of providing opportunities for people to touch the infinite center of all things and to grow into all that they are destined to be. (Divine Power Quotes)
Even if I knew nothing of the atoms, I would venture to assert on the evidence of the celestial phenomena themselves, supported by many other arguments, that the universe was certainly not created for us by divine power: it is so full of imperfectio (Divine Power Quotes)
That by desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don’t quite know what it is and cannot do what we would, we are part of the divine power against evil -- widening the skirts of light and making the struggle with darkness narrower. (Divine Power Quotes)
Even if I knew nothing of the atoms, I would venture to assert on the evidence of the celestial phenomena themselves, supported by many other arguments, that the universe was certainly not created for us by divine power: it is so full of imperfections. (Divine Power Quotes)
Music for me is a bit more spiritual. There are moments when I’m sitting at my piano, and I don’t realize that I’ve been playing for two hours - it feels like divine power. I know it’s so cheesy. (Divine Power Quotes)
Your goals and dreams must be written in journal or notebook. This will ignites a fire, divine power and divine strength within your soul. You will begin to reach out for your goals and dreams. (Divine Power Quotes)
Through the Savior’s Atonement and by following these basic patterns of faithfulness, we receive power from on high to face the challenges of life. We need this divine power today more than ever. (Divine Power Quotes)
The sweetest feeling in mortality is to realize that God, our Heavenly Father, knows each one of us and generously permits us to see and to share His divine power to save. (Divine Power Quotes)
As in the Divine Right of Kings, hierarchies invest those who preside at the top of their pyramidal structure with absolute power to rule over the lesser ranks that spread down like a marble staircase to the broad foundation stones of those with no power at all (Divine Power Quotes)
[Martin] Luther did not regard the water in baptism as common water, but as a water which had become, through the Word with its inherent divine power, a gracious water of life, a washing of regeneration. Through this divine efficacy of the Word the sacrament effects regeneration (Divine Power Quotes)
How do you find the divine power in yourself? The word enthusiasm means ‘filled with a God,’ so what makes you enthusiastic? Follow it. So I have a little word: follow your bliss. The bliss is the message of God to yourself. That’s where your life is (Divine Power Quotes)
God never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown (Divine Power Quotes)
What you are about to hear is God’s word to the men of this nation. We are going to war as of tonight. We have divine power - that is our weapon. We will not compromise. Wherever truth is at risk, in the schools or legislature, we are going to contend for it. We will win (Divine Power Quotes)
An easy thing, O Power Divine, To thank thee for these gifts of Thine, For summer’s sunshine, winter’s snow, For hearts that kindle thoughts that glow (Divine Power Quotes)
When I was abandoned by everybody, in my greatest weakness, trembling and afraid of death, when I was persecuted by this wicked world, then I often felt most surely the divine power in this name, Jesus Christ... So, by God’s grace, I will live and die for that name (Divine Power Quotes)
Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of the individual consciousness with the All-Pervading Divine Power (Divine Power Quotes)
I have a profound belief in the power of the Sacraments. I believe that in a Divine way the use of them teaches the teachable their inward meaning and therefore I think we need be in no hurry to attempt to teach new converts all that we think we know about them (Divine Power Quotes)
Prayer is commission. Out of the quietness with God, power is generated that turns the spiritual machinery of the world. When you pray, you begin to feel the sense of being sent, that the divine compulsion is upon you (Divine Power Quotes)
The divine power moves with difficulty, but at the same time surely (Divine Power Quotes)
We are not here for the sake of possessions, or of power. Or of happiness, but we are here to transfigure the divine out of human spirit (Divine Power Quotes)
The imagination is never governed, it is always the ruling and divine power (Divine Power Quotes)
So, to detract from the perfection of creatures is to detract from the perfection of divine power (Divine Power Quotes)
The difficulties in economic life arise mainly because men forget divine power, (Divine Power Quotes)
The entire cosmos is one vast burning bush, permeated by the fire of the divine power and glory (Divine Power Quotes)
Nothing save divine power is capable of doing so much for man as he can for himself (Divine Power Quotes)
All the marvels of nature are glimpses of His divine power and expressions of His love (Divine Power Quotes)