Divine Quotes

Text Quotes
The divine law indeed has excluded women from this ministry, but they endeavour to thrust themselves into it; and since they can effect nothing of themselves, they do all through the agency of others (Divine Quotes)
If men had to do their vile work without the assistance of woman and the stimulant of strong drink they would be obliged to be more divine and less brutal (Divine Quotes)
Happy is he who has gained the wealth of divine thoughts, wretched is he whose beliefs about the gods are dark (Divine Quotes)
He has the common feeling of his profession. He enjoys a statement twice as much if it appears in fine print, and anything that turns up in a footnote... Takes on the character of divine revelation (Divine Quotes)
You will know that the divine is so great and of such a nature that it sees and hears everything at once, is present everywhere, and is concerned with everything (Divine Quotes)
Education would be a divine thing, if it did nothing more than help us to think and love great thoughts instead of little thoughts (Divine Quotes)
I dream of a time when the people will retake their airways and use them to achieve a voice to rediscover democracy, and to see the divine potential of man (Divine Quotes)
As many colors of the rainbow are an outcome of one pure light, the many religions of the world are an expression of one divine source (Divine Quotes)
If then, at this great distance, our human vision can discern that sight, why, pray, are we to think that the divine splendor of the stars can be cast into darkness? (Divine Quotes)
To a society that inarticulately and thoughtlessly takes itself to be divine, hegel says, yes, we are indeed divine, and philosophy can show how this is both possible and necessary (Divine Quotes)
Homer was able to give us no information relating to the truth, for he wrote of human rather than divine things (Divine Quotes)
I really think that’s what music and art is about. It’s another way to connect to the divine. It’s a real pure way of touching that deeper reality beneath our life (Divine Quotes)
Where the virgins are soft as the roses they twine, and all, save the spirit of man, is divine? (Divine Quotes)
For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor (Divine Quotes)
It accords with the most liberal spirit of philosophy to suppose that not a stone can fall, or a plant rise, without the immediate agency of divine power (Divine Quotes)
Sin is a queer thing. It isn’t the breaking of divine commandments. It is the breaking of one’s own integrity (Divine Quotes)
God is what man finds that is divine in himself. God is the best way man can behave in the ordinary occasions of life, and the farthest point to which man can stretch himself (Divine Quotes)
Many would like religion as a sort of lightning rod to their houses, to ward off, by and by, the bolts of divine wrath (Divine Quotes)
While the light burning within may have been divine, the outer case of the lamp was assuredly cheap enough. Whitman was, from first to last, a boorish, awkward poseur (Divine Quotes)
The most wonderful aspect of the universal scheme of things is the action of free beings under divine guidance (Divine Quotes)
O divine art of sublety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands (Divine Quotes)
Despair, feeding, as it always does, on phantasmagoria, is imperturbably leading literature to the rejection, en masse, of all divine and social laws, towards practical and theoretical evil (Divine Quotes)
An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by fullness, not by reception (Divine Quotes)
To be endowed with strength by nature, to be actuated by the powers of the mind, and to have a certain spirit almost divine infused into you (Divine Quotes)
Mysterious night! When our first parent knew thee from report divine, and heard thy name, did he not tremble for this lovely frame, this glorious canopy of light and blue? (Divine Quotes)
Play is a sacred thing, a divine ordinance, for developing in the child a harmonious and healthy organism, and preparing that organism for the commencement of the work of life (Divine Quotes)
In moral action divine law helpeth exceedingly the law of reason to guide life, but in the supernatural it alone guideth (Divine Quotes)
Poetry is most just to its divine origin, when it administers the comforts and breathes the thoughts of religion (Divine Quotes)
There is no passion that is not finely expressed in those parts of the inspired writings which are proper for divine songs and anthems (Divine Quotes)
Out of the chill and the shadow, into the thrill and the shine; out of the dearth and the famine, into the fulness divine (Divine Quotes)