Divine Quotes

Text Quotes
When you think that most of us are doomed by divine grace to roast in hell, to say nothing of mortgages and hail and bad crops and extravagant womenfolks, ‘tain’t any laughing matter! (Divine Quotes)
I was, by divine grace, enabled to bring all my sins and all my sorrows and lay them at the feet of Jesus, and to receive the blessed assurance that He had accepted me, all sinful and polluted as I was. (Divine Quotes)
The wind of divine grace is always blowing. You just need to spread your sail. Whenever you do anything, do it with your whole heart concentrated on it. Think day and night, I am of the essence of that Supreme Being-Consciousness-Bliss. What fear and anxiety have I? (Divine Quotes)
Grace is the divine assistance or heavenly help each of us desperately needs to qualify for the celestial kingdom. Thus, the enabling power of the Atonement strengthens us to do and be good and to serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity. (Divine Quotes)
Theories of history used to be supernatural: the divine ruled time; the hand of God, a special providence, lay behind the fall of each sparrow. If the present differed from the past, it was usually worse: supernatural theories of history tend to involve decline, a fall from grace, the loss of God’s favor, corruption. (Divine Quotes)
The poet existed among the cave men; he will exist among men of the atomic age, for he is an inherent part of man. Even religions have been born from the need for poetry, which is a spiritual need, and it is through the grace of poetry that the divine spark lives forever in the human flint. (Divine Quotes)
The grace of prayer is an act of seeking to communicate with divine power (Divine Quotes)
The best motivating factor of all, however, is divine intervention, or what I like to call The Magic of Grace. (Divine Quotes)
Once we experience divine guidance, we begin to make changes within ourselves, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are no longer lost in the world, we can finally see. No longer blinded by the enemy. (Divine Quotes)
I bear testimony of our Heavenly Father, the Father of our spirits; of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior; and of the Holy Ghost, who is the means through which we receive divine guidance. I bear testimony that we can personally receive inspiration. (Divine Quotes)
The Christian leaders of the future have to be theologians, persons who know the heart of God and are trained - through prayer, study, and careful analysis - to manifest the divine event of God’s saving work in the midst of the many seemingly random events of their time. (Divine Quotes)
Whether one is Marian or Charismatic or both, or prays in one or more of the many other ways open to us, it is all a flow of love, if the heart is truly speaking to and listening to the Holy Trinity. Personally, I pray the Divine Mercy chaplet every day. We pray the Rosary every day in our family. (Divine Quotes)
I looked in temples churches and mosques. But I found the Divine within my heart. (Divine Quotes)
O’ Lord, enlarge the chambers within my heart so that my soul burns in Thy divine spark . (Divine Quotes)
The heart of the matter is always our oneness with divine spirit, our union with all life (Divine Quotes)
Ever fresh the broad creation, A divine improvisation, From the heart of God proceeds, A single will, a million deeds. (Divine Quotes)
For Mercy has a human heart Pity, a human face: And Love, the human form divine, And Peace, the human dress. (Divine Quotes)
It has pleased God that divine verities should not enter the heart through the understanding, but the understanding through the heart. (Divine Quotes)
Many CastlesOn My Travels I have been A guest in Many castles Yet the Monument Which I Find Divine Is the oasis Where the heart And the silence Intertwine. (Divine Quotes)
If we have a heart to learn and a willingness to follow the example of children, their divine attributes can hold a key to unlocking our own spiritual growth. (Divine Quotes)
Playing along in the yard, The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green,Creating such harmony!A pond, nearby.Untroubled waters mirrors the ether’s dreams.A grand echo of my Divine Heart!I am One (Divine Quotes)
No man was ever great without divine inspiration. [Lat., Nemo vir magnus aliquo afflatu divino unquam fuit.] (Divine Quotes)
Books that cannot bear examination, certainly ought not to be established as divine inspiration by penal laws (Divine Quotes)
Wikipedia is forcing people to accept the stone-cold bummer that knowledge is produced and constructed by argument rather than by divine inspiration. (Divine Quotes)
The fact that so little of the findings of modern science is prefigured in Scripture to my mind casts further doubt on it divine inspiration. (Divine Quotes)
The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth... (Divine Quotes)
Talk about divine intervention. I can’t even tell you how blessed I feel. (Divine Quotes)
Concerted voices of heartfelt petitions in Arabic all pleading for divine intervention are abruptly silenced as the drone ensures fatalities by injecting a final stab in each of their skulls. (Divine Quotes)
I’m in my truck talking to Jesus. And you can see a World Series ring on my right pinkie finger. But when I take my sunglasses off a second later, it’s gone. It’s the whole divine intervention thing. You know Jesus had something to do with them winning. (Divine Quotes)
It would actually constitute more than a miracle, he realised. It would take divine intervention plus luck, plus some unknown element of cosmic wizardry. (Divine Quotes)