Divine Will Quotes

Text Quotes
World full of love, will spark the force of divine powers (Divine Will Quotes)
At sacred-time, I will give birth to divine-twins in Jesus Name. Amen. (Divine Will Quotes)
If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery of things (Divine Will Quotes)
Be you. And everything will be divine-self. (Divine Will Quotes)
Divine love always has been, and always will be, the answer that you seek (Divine Will Quotes)
Can a spear divine the Eternal Will? (Divine Will Quotes)
Will be a divine fight, a holy war...Armageddon on a miniature scale. (Divine Will Quotes)
Every day is divine. If you seek the sacred treasure you will find it. (Divine Will Quotes)
If you make love with the divine now, in the next lifeyou will have the face of satisfied desire (Divine Will Quotes)
If your divines are not philosophers, your philosophy will neither be divine, nor able to divine (Divine Will Quotes)
It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will (Divine Will Quotes)
Just as He had done with David, Samuel, and Joseph of the Old Testament, God took an innocent, unlearned boy, one still unsullied by the world and pliable to His divine will, and molded and shaped him into His chosen prophet. (Divine Will Quotes)
If after all your efforts you cannot succeed, you could not please our Lord more than by sacrificing to Him your will, and remaining in tranquility, humility, and devotion, entirely conformed and submissive to His divine will and good pleasure. (Divine Will Quotes)
I bear you my witness that the Savior is closer to us than you have any idea. He will be close to you and the powers divine will be at your side when you have nowhere else to turn. (Divine Will Quotes)
Our Lady listens attentively to what God wants, ponders what she doesn’t fully understand and asks about what she doesn’t know. Then she gives herself completely to doing the divine will. (Divine Will Quotes)
Obedience to a confessor is the most acceptable offering which we can make to God, and the most secure way of doing the divine will. (Divine Will Quotes)
Ever fresh the broad creation, A divine improvisation, From the heart of God proceeds, A single will, a million deeds. (Divine Will Quotes)
The good pleasure of God is an act of the divine will freely and effectively determining all things. (Divine Will Quotes)
It is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most on Divine truth, that will prove the choicest, wisest, strongest Christian. (Divine Will Quotes)
I am the Soul. I am the Light Divine. I am Love. I am Will. I am Fixed Design. (Divine Will Quotes)
Never complain, proclaim positive-words.Then, you will possess the divine grace for a change situation. (Divine Will Quotes)
As you walk in God’s divine wisdom, you will surely begin to see a greater measure of victory and good success in your life. (Divine Will Quotes)
The divine flame of thought is inextinguishable in the Filipino people, and somehow or other it will shine forth and compel recognition. It is impossible to brutalize the inhabitants of the Philippines! (Divine Will Quotes)
We Muslims believe that the white race, which is guilty of having oppressed and exploited and enslaved our people here in America, should and will be the victims of God’s divine wrath. (Divine Will Quotes)
Imagination is divine. Your imagination will lead you to where you ought to be. (Divine Will Quotes)
Devotion is a certain act of the will by which man gives himself promptly to divine service (Divine Will Quotes)
Television is a gift of God, and God will hold those who utilize his divine instrument accountable to him. (Divine Will Quotes)
Maintain a persistent focus of what you want. You will attract the divine force to bring it into existence. (Divine Will Quotes)
Be comforted with this divine thought that your spiritual and physical pains are the test of the Divine Will. (Divine Will Quotes)
By and by... there are more and more gaps of silence. Through those gaps, windows will open to the divine. (Divine Will Quotes)