Djuna Barnes Quotes

Text Quotes
She wanted to be the reason for everything and so she was the cause of nothing (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Una’s face was an unbroken block of calculation, saving where, upon her upper lip, a little down of hair fluttered. Yet it gave one an uncanny feeling. It made one think of a tassel on a hammer (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Youth is cause, effect is age; so with the thickening of the neck we get data (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
No man needs curing of his individual sickness; his universal malady is what he should look to (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Too great a sense of identity makes a man feel he can do no wrong. And too little does the same (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
I talk too much because I have been made so miserable by what you are keeping hushed (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
One must not look inward too much, while the inside is yet tender. I do not wish to frighten myself until I can stand it (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Yes, we who are full to the gorge with misery should look well around, doubting everything seen, done, spoken, precisely because we have a word for it, and not its alchemy (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
No one will be much or little except in someone else’s mind, so be careful of the minds you get into (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
When autumn shadows throw their patterns across the land, they are not the images of fragile, dying leaves, not the bared arms of lofty elms, not shadows of a fading summer; but swinging shapes as of books upon a strap, of round and square boxes held under an arm, of hurrying little people heading towards the nearest school (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
The very condition of woman is so subject to hazard, so complex, and so grievous, that to place her at one moment is but to displace her at the next (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
The heart of the jealous knows the best and most satisfying love, that of the other's bed, where the rival perfects the lover's imperfections (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
This head has risen above its hair in a moment of abandon known only to men who have drawn their feet out of their boots to walk awhile in the corridors of the mind (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Time is a great conference planning our end, and youth is only the past putting a leg forward (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Well, isn't Bohemia a place where everyone is as good as everyone else - and must not a waiter be a little less than a waiter to be a good Bohemian? (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
I am not a critic; to me criticism is so often nothing more than the eye garrulously denouncing the shape of the peephole that gives access to hidden treasure (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Suffering for love is how I have learned practically everything I know, love of grandmother up and on (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Someday beneath some hard capricious star - spreading its light a little over far, we'll know you for the woman that you are (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Ah God! She settles down we say; It means her powers slip away It means she draws back day by day from good or bad (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Somewhere beneath her hurried curse, a corpse lies bounding in a hearse; and friends and relatives disperse, and are not stirred (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Sleep demands of us a guilty immunity. There is not one of us who, given an eternal incognito, a thumbprint nowhere set against our souls, would not commit rape, murder and all abominations (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
In the acceptance of depravity the sense of the past is most truly captured. What is a ruin but time easing itself of endurance? Corruption is the age of time (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
A man is whole only when he takes into account his shadow as well as himself - and what is a man's shadow but his upright astonishment? (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
God, children know something they can't tell; they like Red Riding Hood and the wolf in bed! (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
Of course I think of the past and of Paris, what else is there to remember? (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
For most people, life is nasty, brutish, and short; for me, it has simply been nasty and brutish (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
There's something evil in me that loves evil and degradation - purity's black backside! That loves honesty with a horrid love; or why have I always gone seeking it at the liar's door? (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
A Jew's undoing is never his own, it is God's; his rehabilitation is never his own, it is a Christian's (Djuna Barnes Quotes)
I was doing well enough until you came along and kicked my stone over, and out I came, all moss and eyes (Djuna Barnes Quotes)