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Do It Quotes

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My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it  (Do It Quotes) The funny thing about television is that once you start to do it you never get time to watch it  (Do It Quotes) Kids always need a role model. I let them know you can do it, too, if you really want to  (Do It Quotes) Take away the government’s monopoly, and private groups will do it better  (Do It Quotes) I don’t have to put out another rap record. I can do it at my casual pace  (Do It Quotes) I knew I could live no other way, that the one thing I wanted was to act and do it well  (Do It Quotes) Being a rock widow is not my job, so I would hire people to do it for me  (Do It Quotes) I love playing the vamp, and I get sent out for a lot of that stuff, maybe because I do it well  (Do It Quotes) It’s just a matter of understanding what’s necessary and discipline yourself to do it  (Do It Quotes) Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we do not want to do it  (Do It Quotes) What parent has it easy? I just never make the difficulty of it an obstacle. I just do it  (Do It Quotes) I didn’t want my parents to support me. I wanted to prove that I could do it by myself  (Do It Quotes) I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time  (Do It Quotes) However impenetrable it seems, if you don’t try it, then you can never do it  (Do It Quotes) Be everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way  (Do It Quotes) I’ve lost love. I’ve tried to reclaim a lost love and didn’t know how to do it  (Do It Quotes) I have no complaints with the whole childhood acting thing, because I wanted to do it  (Do It Quotes) You just have to have the guidance to lead you in the direction until you can do it yourself  (Do It Quotes) We always do what’s natural, only sometimes we shouldn’t do it  (Do It Quotes) I told my boyfriend after three weeks that I wanted to marry him and that we could do it tomorrow  (Do It Quotes) If work was a good thing, the rich would have it all and not let you do it  (Do It Quotes) Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it; let’s do it, let’s fall in love  (Do It Quotes) Just before consumers stop doing something, they do it with a vengeance  (Do It Quotes) A leader knows what’s best to do; a manager knows merely how best to do it  (Do It Quotes) If robots are to clean our homes, they’ll have to do it better than a person  (Do It Quotes) You can’t have cinema by committee if you’re trying to do it well  (Do It Quotes) Millions and millions of people are proud gun owners, and they do it responsibly and by the law  (Do It Quotes) Building your own home is about desire, fantasy. But it’s achievable; anyone can do it  (Do It Quotes) I am very fortunate having the job that I do and I want to do it for as long as possible  (Do It Quotes) I always start a film thinking I know how to do it, then I learn all over again  (Do It Quotes)
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