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Do It Quotes

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Every time you work, you have to do it all over again, to rid yourself of this dross. I suppose for a person who is not an artist or not attempting art, it is not dross, because it is the common exchange of everyday life  (Do It Quotes) They offered me one cover about 10 years ago, and I said, no, I can’t do it. I’m happy to cover up now  (Do It Quotes) Do it no matter what. If you believe in it, it is something very honorable. If somebody around you or your family does not understand it, then that’s their problem. But if you do have a passion, an honest passion, just do it  (Do It Quotes) I don’t believe in expending energy on something you can’t do anything about. If there was some easy way of fixing things, I’d probably do it  (Do It Quotes) I don’t want to raise a child by myself. I could do it. But I definitely don’t want to. I want to be a mother who has the original father there  (Do It Quotes) There are always protests, whether you do something good or bad. Even if you do something beneficial, people say you do it because it’s advertising  (Do It Quotes) To be honest, I haven’t seen a lot of the current crop of teen movies because there’s only so much time and there’s nothing that really drives me to do it  (Do It Quotes) For me, the joy of doing it is doodling when I want to. But if I had to do it, I’d lose the joy  (Do It Quotes) I mean I can do it when I’m very relaxed, and with good friends, then I think I can be amusing  (Do It Quotes) I’m picking and choosing in terms of the stress factor. If it’s not fun, I’m not going to do it  (Do It Quotes) There are two ways to go about it. You can take a compass and draw a perfect circle and make two perfect eyes as neat as can be. Or you can do it freehand and have some fun with it. Like I did. Give it character  (Do It Quotes) If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do  (Do It Quotes) I raced supremely well. I felt I was as well fitted to do it as I had ever been, and as perhaps I might ever be. I went climbing three weeks before, because I was feeling fed up with running  (Do It Quotes) If there was the opportunity to climb a mountain, or to go ballooning, or some adventurous activity, I would always be keen to do it. I loved the countryside  (Do It Quotes) If you want your kids to listen to you, don’t yell at them. Whisper. Make them lean in. My kids taught me that. And I do it with adults now  (Do It Quotes) Passion is what adds so much value to life. And if you think about the things that you do, there’s so much juice potential for them if you do it  (Do It Quotes) There are many movies that have done it very badly. The studios have gone for quick profits and audiences are feeling angry. People aren’t taking the time and spending the money to do it right. I am  (Do It Quotes) Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals  (Do It Quotes) Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it’s done, they’ve seen it done every day, but they’re unable to do it themselves  (Do It Quotes) My mantra is: put your brain into gear and if you can add to what’s on the screen then do it, otherwise shut up  (Do It Quotes) My message to the kids and our fans is hockey’s a great game. There’s a lot of hockey being played at all levels. Get involved, do it. We will be back and we will be back better than ever and hopefully as soon as possible. Don’t give up on the game. It’s too good  (Do It Quotes) I’m not going to give up doing interesting things. I’m going to do it as long as I possibly can and hopefully have longevity in this business  (Do It Quotes) But, you know, when I choose a film I need to believe in it and believe I can do something special with it, and after a while that means not trying to judge or analyze why I should do it. You have to follow this intuition thing, which is a mystery to me  (Do It Quotes) Leadership is getting players to believe in you. If you tell a teammate you’re ready to play as tough as you’re able to, you’d better go out there and do it. Players will see right through a phony. And they can tell when you’re not giving it all you’ve got  (Do It Quotes) I’m probably the least flexible athlete you’ll find. When it comes to yoga, I can’t get in the positions and I can’t hold them. You have to be pretty flexible to do it. Once you get certain positions, you have to have the core strength to hold those positions. It’s a pretty good workout  (Do It Quotes) It is the best feeling in the world to have a close game come down to just a couple of plays and you are able to do it  (Do It Quotes) Iraq did not spontaneously opt for disarmament. They did it as part of a ceasefire, so they were forced to do it, otherwise the war might have gone on. So the motivation has been very different  (Do It Quotes) A mother’s got to be there to raise the children. That’s all there is to it. I feel badly for those mothers who work hard, and can’t do it all the time  (Do It Quotes) The place was built on the premise that people want to gamble, and they may as well do it here. They look after their clientele, and, hell, they treat me like I’m one of their family  (Do It Quotes) I can’t change the past, and I don’t think I would. I don’t expect to be understood. I like what I’ve written, the stories and two novels. If I had to give up what I’ve written in order to be clear of this disease, I wouldn’t do it  (Do It Quotes)
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