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Do It Quotes

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For me, I think that I don’t like feeling pressure from outside sources. I’d rather put the pressure on myself and push myself to do it as good as I can  (Do It Quotes) If I couldn’t do it, then I’d be defeated. I’ve got the tools to do it. I never did question my tools  (Do It Quotes) If I’m not moved by what happens at the end of this play, then I’ve completely failed, and so has the play, and so has our production. And if that’s the case then there really isn’t any reason to want to do it  (Do It Quotes) I have always been a writer of letters, and of long ones; so, when I first thought of writing a book in the form of letters, I knew that I could do it quickly and easily  (Do It Quotes) Touring is tough. You’re almost in a haze because you don’t really know where you are half the time: You’re in a hotel room one moment, and the next thing you know, you’re onstage performing for 60,000 people, then you’re back on an airplane. It’s very hectic and I couldn’t do it without my family  (Do It Quotes) I’m happy being an actor, it’s what I have always wanted to do. I’m just lucky I got to do it so early  (Do It Quotes) Your goal is to achieve the best results by following their wishes. If they want you to build a house upside down standing on its chimney, it’s up to you to do it  (Do It Quotes) You retire when you are sick and when you can’t do it any more or when the public retires you. That’s the most painful, because that’s the one that leaves you wanting to accomplish more  (Do It Quotes) Singing is something that I’m always happy to do it and going in the studio I never felt any pressure. I just feel like I get to sing, you know. It’s fun  (Do It Quotes) I talked about the barriers created by monopolies. I said that it was the role of government to break up these monopolies and that we couldn’t do it alone  (Do It Quotes) The other part of outsourcing is this: it simply says where the work can be done outside better than it can be done inside, we should do it  (Do It Quotes) The message here is you cannot, under any circumstances, throw an object at an official. You just cannot do it  (Do It Quotes) It is no use asking me or anyone else how to dig... Better to go and watch a man digging, and then take a spade and try to do it  (Do It Quotes) I didn’t mean to be a songwriter; I just was writing for fun, you have all day to do it. I was homeless so that’s all I had to do  (Do It Quotes) Before I was an actor I was an apprentice jockey, and now I’m out there racing against boys, sort of the spokesperson for people over 50 that they can do it  (Do It Quotes) I’d recommend the high road to anybody. You wonder about it and you don’t really appreciate it until you do it and you find that it worked for everyone. But I recommend it  (Do It Quotes) Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open  (Do It Quotes) You’ve got to get good habits of working hard so that when that play comes up during the regular season that you’re able to complete it and do it the right way  (Do It Quotes) One thing that took a while to really adjust to was, you do it for the the art, for the money, for being together and having a good time, but you do it for all those people out there who really care about the show. We are now talking about a show we did over 20 years ago  (Do It Quotes) An actor really suffers when the director isn’t prepared because you start running out of time for the shoot and then have to do it fast  (Do It Quotes) For me, life is writing and I can do it anywhere. It doesn’t matter where I am. I listen. I write. I live  (Do It Quotes) Whatever the right hand findeth to do, the left hand carries a watch on its wrist to show how long it takes to do it  (Do It Quotes) Cases of sickness made up a very small percentage which in my opinion was normal. However, propaganda pamphlets dropped from aircraft were telling the workers to feign illness, and detailed instructions were given to them on how to do it  (Do It Quotes) Well I was eight years old, and I have an older cousin who is three years older than me and she was doing acting, commercials, and modeling at the time and... to see my cousin doing that was really inspiring and I wanted to do it. So I went to my mom and I asked her if I could do it, and for the acting part of it, she made me study for a year  (Do It Quotes) It causes me great pain to sue the company I work for. Nevertheless, I had to do it. Suffice it to say, there’s a dispute and I believe I haven’t been given what is mine  (Do It Quotes) Once you have an animal, you have to commit to it. They need a sense of freedom, but, of course, they must have some boundaries. I am against hitting them though; just send the vibe and that will do it  (Do It Quotes) There were mornings when I just didn’t want to get out of bed. But once again, I’m in an adverse situation and having to deal with something new and learn how to do it  (Do It Quotes) I’m very organized and tidy in my home life and I generally do something myself rather than farm it out to somebody else. I don’t have an assistant or anything because I think I can do it myself  (Do It Quotes) I always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn’t do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I’m glad I didn’t  (Do It Quotes) It is the great glory as well as the great threat of science that everything which is in principle possible can be done if the intention to do it is sufficiently resolute  (Do It Quotes)
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