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Do It Quotes

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As boys without bonds to their fathers grow older and more desperate about their masculinity, they are in danger of forming gangs in which they strut their masculinity for one another, often overdo it, and sometimes turn to displays of fierce, macho bravado and even violence  (Do It Quotes) You are a vain fellow. You want to be a hero. That is why you do such silly things. A hero!... I don’t quite know what that is: but, you see, I imagine that a hero is a man who does what he can. The others do not do it  (Do It Quotes) How does one make a movie about decadence these days? Now that we’re allowed to do it, it’s too late  (Do It Quotes) Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation. To do a ritual, you must be willing to be transformed in some way. The inner willingness is what makes the ritual come alive and have power. If you aren’t willing to be changed by the ritual, don’t do it  (Do It Quotes) Yeah, I do get to do some theater occasionally. I don’t get to do it as much as I would like to  (Do It Quotes) Go into something because you really like it, and then do it with a drive and enthusiasm so that it isn’t work  (Do It Quotes) Because up to sixteen years old you feel gymnastics more. You can show your emotion, grace, like woman gymnastics, not kid’s gymnastics. I feel I have good shape, and I can do it elements everything, but, it’s not competition for me  (Do It Quotes) On the one hand, shopping is dependable: You can do it alone, if you lose your heart to something that is wrong for you, you can return it; it’s instant gratification and yet something you buy may well last for years  (Do It Quotes) I feel uncomfortable with the term public art, because I’m not sure what it means. If it means what I think it does, then I don’t do it. I’m not crazy about categories  (Do It Quotes) It’s nice to go to small places where we had a lot of fans. They followed our career and it’s kind of a way to say thank you to them and do it for a good cause  (Do It Quotes) I do it as a therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a little discipline. Exercise is my discipline  (Do It Quotes) If I had my way everyone would have a psychiatrist. When the brain is sick and you must throw up, you do it by being purged in a psychiatrist’s office  (Do It Quotes) If you had a face like mine, you’d punch me right on the nose, and I’m just the fella to do it  (Do It Quotes) I’m an artist and I can draw very well. I’m amazed that everybody can’t draw well because I can do it so effortlessly  (Do It Quotes) If we don’t have an informed electorate we don’t have a democracy. So I don’t care how people get the information, as long as they get it. I’m just doing it my particular way and I feel lucky I can do it the way I want to do it  (Do It Quotes) I’m a competitor and a very proud man. If a guy beats me once, he’ll have to do it again to make me believe him  (Do It Quotes) I’m a player and I do it because I love playing whether it’s for my album or someone else’s  (Do It Quotes) I know who I am. I don’t have to brag. I know what I contributed. I know what I did. You think you can do it better? Hey, go right ahead. The stage is yours  (Do It Quotes) Personally, I feel that in my own work I wanted to look programmed or impersonal but I don’t really believe I am being impersonal when I do it. And I don’t think you could do this  (Do It Quotes) I challenge myself everywhere, onstage, on the golf course. Hey, isn’t that the point of it all? To keep getting better? Otherwise why do it?  (Do It Quotes) It’s got to be weird to sit in an office all day and deal with these creative types without having any idea of what they do or how they do it  (Do It Quotes) It’s like going to the gym everyday. It really is. I work hard on my craft, I sweat a little bit, I run a little bit, I might sprain an ankle every now and them, but it’s all good and the more you do it, the more in shape you are and it’s like a machine  (Do It Quotes) I never mind scrubbing floors, vacuuming or bending and carrying stuff. Each time I do it I think, this is instead of going to the gym  (Do It Quotes) Surrogacy used to be difficult, because the woman that was carrying the child was biologically related to the child. And sometimes you can still do it that way, but you do not have to do it that way anymore  (Do It Quotes) When I’m writing a song, it gives me more actual pleasure to hear someone else sing it than do it meself  (Do It Quotes) I went to acting school, but only for nine months. If you’re an actor, you know, don’t really need to learn how to do it  (Do It Quotes) If you’re going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way  (Do It Quotes) So many celebrity websites you go to are so sterile that you know they just pay somebody to do it and there’s not even an ounce of them in it  (Do It Quotes) And what’s more I’ve got no need for anyone to tell me how to do it. I am not interested. You act how you want to and leave me alone to do my own thing  (Do It Quotes) No matter how deep a study you make. What you really have to rely on is your own intuition and when it comes down to it, you really don’t know what’s going to happen until you do it  (Do It Quotes)
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