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Do It Quotes

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It is superfluous to be humble on one’s own behalf; so many people are willing to do it for one  (Do It Quotes) Whatever you do, the only secret is to believe in it and satisfy yourself. Don’t do it for anyone else  (Do It Quotes) Do what you think is interesting, do something that you think is fun and worthwhile, because otherwise you won’t do it well anyway  (Do It Quotes) The bird with the thorn in its breast, it follows an immutable law; it is driven by it knows not what to impale itself, and die singing. At the very instant the thorn enters there is no awareness in it of the dying to come; it simply sings and sings until there is not the life left to utter another note. But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it. Still we do it  (Do It Quotes) If you are to reach masses of people in this world, you must do it by a sign language. Whether your vehicle be commerce, literature, or politics, you can do nothing but raise signals, and make motions to the people  (Do It Quotes) If you’re dedicated, if it’s something that lives and breathes in your heart, then you’ve simply got to go ahead and do it  (Do It Quotes) If you do something once, people will call it an accident. If you do it twice, they call it a coincidence. But do it a third time and you’ve just proven a natural law!  (Do It Quotes) Know that it is good to work. Work with love, and think of liking it when you do it. It is easy and interesting. It is a privilege. There is nothing hard about it but your anxious vanity and fear of failure  (Do It Quotes) The reason why we see that people of the greatest capacity are not rich, is either they despise wealth in comparison to something else, or, they are not content in getting an estate, unless they may do it in their own way, while at the same time enjoying all the pleasures and gratitude’s of life  (Do It Quotes) In the beginning, I wanted to enter what was essentially a man’s field. I wanted to prove I could do it. Then I found that when I did as well as the men in the field I got more credit for my work because I am a woman, which seems unfair  (Do It Quotes) No matter what you do, do it to your utmost. I always attribute my success to always requiring myself to do my level best, if only in driving a tack in straight  (Do It Quotes) Everybody keeps telling me how surprised they are with what I’ve done. But I’m telling you honestly that it doesn’t surprise me. I knew I could do it  (Do It Quotes) The more I heard that I couldn’t make it, the more I was determined to do it. I never liked being told that I’m not good enough to do this or that  (Do It Quotes) You are the person who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside; You are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind. Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are  (Do It Quotes) The truth is, I do indulge myself a little the more in pleasure, knowing that this is the proper age of my life to do it; and, out of my observation that most men that do thrive in the world do forget to take pleasure during the time that they are getting their estate, but reserve that till they have got one, and then it is too late for them to enjoy it  (Do It Quotes) I’m very determined and stubborn. There’s a desire in me that makes me want to do more and more, and to do it right. Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit  (Do It Quotes) If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don’t spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it  (Do It Quotes) I recall that my workshop leaders were tactful in their ways of acquainting me with my shortcomings as a writer. So much so that I hardly realized they were doing it. I want always to keep that sort of thing in mind when I’m teaching. The way you get better in everything in this life is to make mistakes. Otherwise you’re probably doing it right by accident. But you have to do everything wrong before you can really start with some authority to do it right  (Do It Quotes) I’m so lucky to have a career in my fifties. And to still have the desire to do it. I don’t think about retirement  (Do It Quotes) I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in  (Do It Quotes) I’m always amazed by people who blog all the time and tweet all the time, and still get things done. I don’t know how they do it  (Do It Quotes) In some ways, I always thought you’re better off behaving like a rock star when you’re a normal person. Because if you do it as a rock star, you’ll end up in the papers and your life will be made a misery  (Do It Quotes) You won’t talk to anybody who breaks lyrics down more thoroughly. It’s just a complete deconstruction, and when you start to rebuild, nobody has the capacity to do it like me. Which is not to say I’m better, it’s just that there’s a unique quality to everyone  (Do It Quotes) If you write a good action sequence well in a novel, you’re already writing it for film, because the only way to do it well is to use some of the same tricks. They’re rhetorical, not visual, but it’s the same move  (Do It Quotes) I wanted to just be a filmmaker, and I thought I wanted to do all the aspects, and it seemed like as a producer was the best way to do it, because I could have... You never have control on a movie, but you have as much control as you can  (Do It Quotes) There is a humanitarian impulse that one aspires to and there are days when one doesn’t do it very well  (Do It Quotes) What distinguishes a great mnemonist, I learned, is the ability to create lavish images on the fly, to paint in the mind a scene so unlike any other it cannot be forgotten. And to do it quickly. Many competitive mnemonists argue that their skills are less a feat of memory than of creativity  (Do It Quotes) If I knew where I was going, I wouldn’t do it. When I can predict or plan it, I don’t do it  (Do It Quotes) Every time you go out there to do something, you wonder if you can do it. There’s no assured success. There’s no secret recipe for success. Every time you go out there, you go out there with the possibility of great failure  (Do It Quotes) Theatrical is fantastic. I don’t think anything will ever replace the big dark room, the screen and the popcorn. You can kind of do it in your home if you have a nice screen, but it’s not the same thing  (Do It Quotes)
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