Do It Quotes

Text Quotes
Prayer is a means of sharing the burden, which relieves pressure, as you tell your worries and concerns to someone who will listen and won’t judge, no matter what you say. Praying is like handing the problem over to someone else as you talk it out. Then you can tune in for guidance and a different perspective that will exude heartfelt energy. When you pray, you are exposing your real self and extending sincere, loving energy to yourself. It doesn’t matter if your words are fancy or plain, and there is no way to do it right or wrong. Prayer is about opening your heart and being sincere (Do It Quotes)
Why do you want to become an author? I will accept only one answer. If it is because you feel you can write better than you can do anything else then go ahead and do it without frills and flourishes. Stick to your present job and write in your spare time: but do it as if it is a whole time job (Do It Quotes)
You do it a day at a time. You just put your rejection slips in a shoebox and tell yourself one day you’re going to autograph them and sell them at auction (Do It Quotes)
For a very long time, I wrote a book a year, and was eager and willing to do it, to put bread on the table, to have my work out there. Now I must write a book every two years, and that’s never enough time, either (Do It Quotes)
I tell you it’s no joke to paint a portrait. I wonder that I am not more timid when I begin. I feel almost certain that I can do it. It seems very simple. I don’t think of the time that is sure to come when I almost despair, when the whole thing seems hopeless (Do It Quotes)
The students realize that it’s their life I’m talking about: it’s out of balance, they’re struggling to put it into balance. How are they going to do it? (Do It Quotes)
Democracy, if it meant what our forefathers said, that would be great, but unfortunately it’s been corrupted by this funding and funding of campaigns. There’s a much better way to do it. There could be a small amount of money given by every taxpayer to be dedicated to candidates (Do It Quotes)
In my case, the long gaps between my books have got quite a lot to do with lack of confidence. A lot of the time when I’m not writing I start thinking I can’t do it (Do It Quotes)
When actors get pigeonholed, that’s their own doing to a large degree. Because if you do something that people like, obviously they’re going to ask you to do it again. It’s up to you to say no. If you’re that insecure about working, you’ll probably do what you’re known to do (Do It Quotes)
I play characters. I don’t think I really have a persona per se. I don’t play the same guy every time. I show up, you don’t know what I’m gonna do. I like it that way. I’ve intentionally tried to do it that way. I think that’s what’s interesting (Do It Quotes)
Public intellectuals come from a range of areas and use their expertise to comment more widely than just their field. They want to make a contribution to public space, and they stick their necks out to do it (Do It Quotes)
Before me, sprinters retired at 23 or 24. I run because I still like it, I can make a living, and I feel I was born to do it. And because people tell me I can’t do it (Do It Quotes)
As an actor, you always have to reinvent yourself or you end up in the gutter somewhere. It’s my job to always change people’s minds. I’ve known that for a long time and I’ve had to do it (Do It Quotes)
Once you win, you have no doubt that you can win. So you have gone through it once, and you can do it again (Do It Quotes)
I only ever really take out my guitar when I’m miserable, which isn’t necessarily a very good time to do it (Do It Quotes)
There are people who can sit down and write a song about any given subject, and they can do it really, really well (Do It Quotes)
If I’m doing my hair myself, I just wash it and let it naturally dry. I’m actually quite good at doing hair; if I wear it up I usually do it myself (Do It Quotes)
I think if you’re able to make the music you want and you can do it in the right kind of context, you don’t have to be a circus ringleader to be successful (Do It Quotes)
I think what I try to do with all the naysayers, negative comments, or even people that think you can’t do it, I’m trying very hard to use it as motivation and to add to that chip on my shoulder (Do It Quotes)
When I lose my temper it’s because I decide to. If I do something it’s because I want to do it (Do It Quotes)
Money has power. And so withholding money has power too, especially when a bunch of people do it together (Do It Quotes)
I would love to do more acting; I really would love to do it, particularly character acting. I’m a character type of actor; I love situations where I’ve got a bit of room to improvise on the character (Do It Quotes)
You know, I always say musicians, they can do it on their own. They can practice their violin on their own. A painter can paint by himself. A writer can write by himself. But an actor needs a group, and the hardest thing about expanding your ability and your craft is to have a group to do it with that is of a caliber where you can grow even more (Do It Quotes)
I try to make myself walk around a bit, but I probably think about it more than I actually do it. Years ago, I did think about joining a gym (Do It Quotes)
If the script’s good, everything you need is in there. I just try and feel it, and do it honestly. I also don’t learn things for auditions, because I feel like it’s just a test of memorizing rather than being real. Maybe every other actor would think that was terrible, I don’t know. But it seems to have worked for me, so far (Do It Quotes)
I get twitchy if I don’t pick up a guitar or sit at the piano every now and then... I have to do it; I don’t have a choice (Do It Quotes)
I never base characters on real people. There are people who do that but I really don’t know how to do it (Do It Quotes)
I don’t think the space station is innovative. Going to the moon was innovative because we had no idea how to do it (Do It Quotes)
If you’re doing something outside of dominant culture, there’s not an easy place for you. You will have to do it yourself (Do It Quotes)
The worst advice I ever received from my dad was to play by the book. My old man used to flip out whenever I would try to branch out and do something different. Although he didn’t do it on purpose, he really held me back in the beginning (Do It Quotes)