Do It Quotes

Text Quotes
When you do things for others; don’t expect your good deeds to be returned. Do it because you enjoy making someone’s day (Do It Quotes)
We seldom break a leg as long as we are climbing wearily upwards in our lives, instead we do it when we start going easy on ourselves and choosing the comfortable paths (Do It Quotes)
Few fathers care much for their sons, or at least, most of them care more for their money. Of those who really love their sons, few know how to do it (Do It Quotes)
A man would always wish to give a woman a better home than the one he takes her from; and he who can do it, where there is no doubt of her regard, must, I think, be the happiest of mortals (Do It Quotes)
There is rough work to be done, and rough men must do it; there is gentle work to be done, and gentlemen must do it (Do It Quotes)
The minute I start to talk about acting, I realize that I can’t. You know, it’s an abstract thing, a little bit mysterious even if you do it for a living (Do It Quotes)
Contouring makes a huge difference in your bone structure! I don’t do it every day, because when I’m not working, I like to keep my skin fresh (Do It Quotes)
The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it’s much more exciting (Do It Quotes)
My personal view is, why don’t you get out there and try to do something about the things that you don’t like, create the jobs that we are lacking, rather than just yell and scream. But if you want to yell and scream, we’ll make sure you can do it (Do It Quotes)
You can do anything you want to. Follow your dreams; because if you say you can’t do it, you’ll spend the rest of your life proving it (Do It Quotes)
If you are going to do something that you have to lie about, don’t do it, it’s very simple (Do It Quotes)
Emotionally involving the audience is easy. Anybody can do it blindfolded: get a little kitten and have some guy wring its neck (Do It Quotes)
Let us... quietly accept our times, with the firm conviction that just as much good can be done today as at any time in the past, provided only that we have the will and the way to do it (Do It Quotes)
I want to be able to shoot laser beams out of my hands at people. That’s the kind of stuff that you think all bands should do, but they don’t, and I can’t understand why most bands don’t want to do it (Do It Quotes)
I have enough of a sense to know what works for me and what doesn’t, without going into some big thing and analyzing what I do. I’m in a position that allows me to do what I want to do, and I do it (Do It Quotes)
The paradox of publicity is that even as we do it, we know it’s killing off the chance of another reader happening across our book in the ideal state of innocence (Do It Quotes)
Variety is very, very good. Going from medium to medium, if you get the chance to do it, from theater to television to film, which are all distinctly different, keeps me sharp (Do It Quotes)
You can’t fake wrestling. We can fake punch, but with wrestling you just have to go ahead and do it. You really need to see the hand hit the face, the head butting and everything (Do It Quotes)
I believe that the mind powers the body, and once the mind says we want to do it, then the body will follow (Do It Quotes)
To me it is harder to play a real person, but when you do it and you feel good about it and the person feels good about it, I think that’s doubly rewarding. So the challenge is greater, the risk is greater, but the reward is greater as well (Do It Quotes)
You have to have a personal connection. You have to really want to do it, because if you don’t, investing yourself personally, your thoughts, your emotions, yourself into a part, is something you’re not going to want to do as much (Do It Quotes)
I want to be a homer. I’m getting paid for something that I love to do. I would do it for nothing (Do It Quotes)
You do a movie and, even if it’s not a comedy or it’s not an action film, you get a little taste of it, and then I want to do it full force (Do It Quotes)
I love to act, I love to sing and I love to entertain, so if I am passionate about a certain project and I want to do it, I hope to stretch my acting skills (Do It Quotes)
When you introduce something new to a country, you want to do it right. Generally, that means you have to do it yourself (Do It Quotes)
I have heard a good many pretend that they are going to die; or that they have died, for aught that I know. Nonsense! I’ll defy them to do it. They have n’t got life enough in them... Only half a dozen or so have died since the world began (Do It Quotes)
It isn’t what I do, but how I do it. It isn’t what I say, but how I say it, and how I look when I do it and say it (Do It Quotes)
Entrepreneurship is having an idea to do something great and not entirely have a plan on how to do it but the drive and will power to make it work (Do It Quotes)
Are you in want of amusement nowadays? Then play a little at the game of getting a living. There was never anything equal to it. Do it temperately, though, and don’t sweat (Do It Quotes)
One meets and wakes you to vivid life in an immortal hour. Thousands could not do it through eternity (Do It Quotes)