Do not bring me your successes; they weaken me. Bring me your problems; they strengthen me

Do not bring me your successes; they weaken me. Bring me your problems; they strengthen me
Charles Kettering, an American inventor, engineer, and businessman, is often credited with the quote, "Do not bring me your successes; they weaken me. Bring me your problems; they strengthen me." This quote encapsulates Kettering's belief in the power of challenges and obstacles to drive innovation and progress.Kettering was a pioneer in the field of automotive engineering, known for his work at General Motors where he developed the electric starter, which revolutionized the automobile industry. Throughout his career, Kettering faced numerous setbacks and failures, but he viewed these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
Kettering understood that success can breed complacency and a sense of entitlement, while problems and obstacles force individuals to think creatively and push beyond their comfort zones. By embracing difficulties and seeking out solutions, Kettering believed that individuals could unlock their full potential and achieve greatness.
In the context of Kettering's work, the quote can be interpreted as a call to action for individuals to confront their problems head-on and not shy away from adversity. Kettering believed that by tackling challenges with determination and perseverance, individuals could develop the resilience and skills needed to overcome any obstacle.
Kettering's own life is a testament to the power of embracing problems and using them as a catalyst for growth. His inventions and innovations have had a lasting impact on the automotive industry and beyond, demonstrating the importance of facing challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.