Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the truth, here and now!

Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the truth, here and now!
Sivananda was a renowned spiritual teacher and founder of the Divine Life Society, an organization dedicated to spreading the teachings of yoga and Vedanta. His philosophy emphasized the importance of self-discipline, selfless service, and spiritual growth. One of the key principles that Sivananda often emphasized was the need to avoid wasting time and to be bold in pursuing one's spiritual path.The quote "Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the truth, here and now!" encapsulates Sivananda's teachings perfectly. He believed that time is a precious resource that should not be squandered on frivolous pursuits. Instead, he encouraged his followers to use their time wisely, focusing on activities that would help them grow spiritually and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Sivananda also emphasized the importance of being bold in one's spiritual practice. He believed that true spiritual growth required courage and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone. This meant being willing to challenge oneself, to confront one's fears and limitations, and to push oneself to new heights of self-awareness and self-realization.
Sivananda urged his followers to realize the truth, here and now. He believed that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice was to attain a direct experience of the divine, to realize one's true nature as a spiritual being. This required a deep commitment to self-examination, self-discipline, and selfless service. By living in the present moment and seeking to understand the deeper truths of existence, Sivananda believed that one could achieve a state of inner peace and enlightenment.