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Do you want to know why men name their penis? So the most important decisions in their life aren't made by a stranger

Do you want to know why men name their penis? So the most important decisions in their life aren't made by a stranger Picture Quote #1

Do you want to know why men name their penis? So the most important decisions in their life aren't made by a stranger

In the world of romance novels, Linda Howard is a well-known and beloved author who has captured the hearts of readers with her captivating stories and strong, independent female characters. One of the most memorable and often quoted lines from her books is, “Do you want to know why men name their penis? So the most important decisions in their life aren't made by a stranger.”

This quote speaks to the idea that men often feel the need to assert control and dominance over their own lives, especially when it comes to matters of intimacy and relationships. By giving their penis a name, they are taking ownership of their sexuality and asserting their masculinity in a world that often dictates how they should behave and what decisions they should make.
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