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Dogs Quotes

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I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures we might be if we weren’t certain we knew better. They fight for honor at the first challenge, make love with no moral restraint, and they do not for all their marvelous instincts appear to know about death. Being such wonderfully uncomplicated beings, they need us to do their worrying  (Dogs Quotes) Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made  (Dogs Quotes) Both humans and dogs love to play well into adulthood, and individuals from both species occasionally display evidence of having a conscience  (Dogs Quotes) Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. What puts man in a higher state of evolution is that he has got his laugh on the right end  (Dogs Quotes) Other dogs bite only their enemies, whereas I bite also my friends in order to save them  (Dogs Quotes) The God who is reputed to have created fleas to keep dogs from moping over their situation must also have created fundamentalists to keep rationalists from getting flabby. Let us be duly thankful for out blessings  (Dogs Quotes) What really helps motivate me to walk are my dogs, who are my best pals. They keep you honest about walking because when it’s time to go, you can’t disappoint those little faces  (Dogs Quotes) Dogs have more love than integrity. They’ve been true to us, yes, but they haven’t been true to themselves  (Dogs Quotes) They wouldn’t be heroes if they were infallible, in fact they wouldn’t be heroes if they weren’t miserable wretched dogs, the pariahs of the earth, besides which the only reason to build up an idol is to tear it down again  (Dogs Quotes) Just as humans have a prior right to existence over dogs by virtue of being more highly evolved and having a superior consciousness, so women have a prior right to existence over men. The elimination of any male is, therefore, a righteous and good act, an act highly beneficial to women as well as an act of mercy  (Dogs Quotes) I’m a slave to my dogs and go out with them almost every day. They are poorly behaved if they don’t run. They really act up  (Dogs Quotes) If you live in a place that you perceive to be a crowded place, you appreciate government; you see it as this thing that protects you against crime, that keeps order, that makes sure that nobody puts a massage parlor next to your house, that keeps other people’s dogs from pooping on the sidewalk  (Dogs Quotes) You know, I’ve released some great records and I’ve released some dogs. But frankly, the fun is in creating the thing  (Dogs Quotes) First and foremost I am a commercial writer, and I hope to entertain people. But having said that, I’m in love with the relationship between humans and dogs, and the more I learned about what our military working dogs are doing, I wanted to at least share with people what an important role these animals have in all our lives  (Dogs Quotes) I lead a simple life. I feed the fish. I walk the dogs. I cook dinner. Occasionally I take a meeting  (Dogs Quotes) My dogs are spoilt for sure. They are pampered pooches. But I love them so much! I guess all dogs need to be washed, but maybe blueberry facials aren’t essential. It’s quite fun, though. You want to give your children everything; I don’t have children, so I want my dogs to have a good life  (Dogs Quotes) I don’t really even go out that much now except to walk my dogs, because I don’t want to be recognised  (Dogs Quotes) Animals are certainly more sophisticated than we used to think. And we shouldn’t lump together animals as a group. Crows and chimps and dogs are all highly intelligent in very different ways  (Dogs Quotes) But, I do think, on a very simplistic level, that we can project onto dogs because they are so innocent. They don’t come with a lot of baggage  (Dogs Quotes) Many dogs grow up without rules or boundaries. They need exercise, discipline and affection in that order  (Dogs Quotes) Questers of the truth, that’s who dogs are; seekers after the invisible scent of another being’s authentic core  (Dogs Quotes) Perhaps one central reason for loving dogs is that they take us away from this obsession with ourselves. When our thoughts start to go in circles, and we seem unable to break away, wondering what horrible event the future holds for us, the dog opens a window into the delight of the moment  (Dogs Quotes) It is easy to forget that in the main we die only seven times more slowly than our dogs  (Dogs Quotes) If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going  (Dogs Quotes) When most of us talk to our dogs, we tend to forget that they’re not people  (Dogs Quotes) The conclusion I have reached is that, above all, dogs are witnesses. They are allowed access to our most private moments. They are there when we think we are alone. Think of what they could tell us. They sit on the laps of presidents. They see acts of love and violence, quarrels and feuds, and the secret play of children. If they could tell us everything they have seen, all of the gaps of our lives would stitch themselves together  (Dogs Quotes) ... owning a dog always ended with this sadness because dogs just don’t live as long as people do  (Dogs Quotes) Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of them all  (Dogs Quotes) Cats are there to be indulged. That’s their function: to receive the love we never fully gave our parents. Not like dogs. Dogs are there to give us the love and devotion our children will never fully give us  (Dogs Quotes) Bad dogs, she believed, were like most bad children: created by those around them. But then, that was a personal opinion  (Dogs Quotes)
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