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Domestic Quotes

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My mother only had a third grade education, was illiterate, worked as a domestic 2 to 3 jobs at a time, because she didn’t want to be on welfare, because she never saw people who went on welfare come off of welfare, and she just didn’t want to have her life controlled in that fashion  (Domestic Quotes) A wise man should not divulge the formula of a medicine which he has well prepared; an act of charity which he has performed; domestic conflicts; private affairs with his wife; poorly prepared food he may have been offered; or slang he may have heard  (Domestic Quotes) China’s diplomacy has made bold headway, serving domestic development and contributing to world peace and common development,  (Domestic Quotes) We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building  (Domestic Quotes) The domestic career is no more natural to all women than the military career is natural to all men  (Domestic Quotes) When domestic servants are treated as human beings it is not worth while to keep them  (Domestic Quotes) Happy domestic life is like a beautiful summer’s evening; the heart is filled with peace; and everything around derives a peculiar glory  (Domestic Quotes) A morbid propensity that causes great suffering in domestic life is often curiously infectious to the very person for whom it creates most suffering  (Domestic Quotes) The domestic life of most classes is relatively shabby, as compared with the éclat of that overt portion of their life that is carried on before the eyes of observers  (Domestic Quotes) The study of tavern history often brings to light much evidence of sad domestic changes. Many a cherished and beautiful home, rich in annals of family prosperity and private hospitality, ended its days as a tavern  (Domestic Quotes) In man, social intercourse has centred mainly on the process of absorbing fluid into the organism, but in the domestic dog and to a lesser extent among all wild canine species, the act charged with most social significance is the excretion of fluid  (Domestic Quotes) Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hours  (Domestic Quotes) I do not dislike but I certainly have no especial respect or admiration for and no trust in, the typical big moneyed men of my country. I do not regard them as furnishing sound opinion as respects either foreign or domestic business  (Domestic Quotes) I don’t consider myself an action hero, at all. My domestic life is the same as anyone else’s  (Domestic Quotes) No money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction. A man is pleased that his wife is dressed as well as other people, and the wife is pleased that she is dressed  (Domestic Quotes) It would be an incalculable gain to domestic happiness, if people would begin the concert of life with their instruments tuned to a very low pitch: they who receive the most happiness are generally they who demand and expect the least  (Domestic Quotes) Hatred of domestic work is a natural and admirable result of civilization.... The first thing a woman does when she gets a little money into her hands is to hire some other poor wretch to do her housework  (Domestic Quotes) The real reason women fall in love abroad is not that they are free of domestic inhibitions but that they translate their love of stone and place into love of flesh.... Is this true?  (Domestic Quotes) Domestic violence and violence against women in general seems to be a big problem everywhere in the world. It seems to me this problem comes from stress, pent up anger, frustration, and all kinds of negativity within human beings  (Domestic Quotes) How close beneath the surface, even in the happiest family, is the chronic grievance! I sometimes think that tinderboxes are inert and powder kegs mere talcum compared to the explosive possibilities in the most commoplace domestic situation  (Domestic Quotes) Cats are the slipperiest of domestic animals. Thousands of years of genetic coding has taught them to melt into azaleas, lie motionless behind garden gnomes, glide along fence tops, and slink under benches  (Domestic Quotes) Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war  (Domestic Quotes) The principal mechanism for convergence at the international as well as the domestic level is the diffusion of knowledge  (Domestic Quotes) Russia is one of the places where significant presence of social networks are driven by domestic players right now  (Domestic Quotes) I am allergic to domestic goddesses. Men would prefer a woman with a dirty mind to a clean house  (Domestic Quotes) Woman is a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, a domestic peril, a deadly fascination, and a painted ill  (Domestic Quotes) Cautiously avoid speaking of the domestic affairs either of yourself, or of other people. Yours are nothing to them but tedious gossip; and theirs are nothing to you  (Domestic Quotes) A nation’s domestic and foreign policies and actions should be derived from the same standards of ethics, honesty and morality which are characteristic of the individual citizens of the nation  (Domestic Quotes) Democracy cannot be exported to some other place. This must be a product of internal domestic development in a society  (Domestic Quotes) Having been in a relationship since I was 18, I’m very domestic, but I don’t enjoy cooking for myself. I don’t mind cooking for other people. But I don’t like cleaning or washing dishes, although I don’t mind doing laundry  (Domestic Quotes)
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