Donald Quotes
Text Quotes
Somebody made the statement that Donald Trump has built or owns the greatest collection of golf courses, ever, in the history of golf. And I believe that is 100 percent true. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. (Donald Quotes)
When Donald Trump in one speech said I love the poorly educated - which was a remarkable thing to say - he was saying those are my people. (Donald Quotes)
I think that Donald Trump is very concerned about finding the right way to be effective in a responsible way. And he wants to be effective. (Donald Quotes)
The fact that’s why the prisons and stock in private prisons rose the very day after the election results [for Donald Trump] were announced. The fact that progress that was made for people of color, for women, for LGBTQ people, are all at risk. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump wasn’t vying for the popular vote. He was vying for the Electoral College, as was Hillary Clinton. The only difference is he got over 300 electoral votes, and she did not. (Donald Quotes)
I think a Donald Trump presidency sets up an Elizabeth Warren ascendancy. And it not Elizabeth Warren, someone of her ilk. And I think that’s dreadful. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump and I would never support legislation that punished women who made the heart-breaking choice to end a pregnancy. (Donald Quotes)
At every step Donald Trump has been - his legitimacy has been questioned (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump is the grandson of German immigrants. Don’t worry. The last time a German guy with crazy hair took over a country, everything turned out fine. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off we’ll be and that everything will work out from there. (Donald Quotes)
Power belongs to the intelligence of evil. It’s totally unreflective, like Donald Trump. It belongs there. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump is speaking on behalf of the White House, of the executive branch of the United States. Credibility matters. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump is gonna immediately start canceling some executive orders and repealing Obamacare (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump also will repeal all these executive amnesty orders that President Obama has put into place. (Donald Quotes)
I mean Donald Trump is a legitimate president. He won fair and square. He didn’t win the election because of Russian interference. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump’s blaming the media, he’s blaming the GOP, he’s saying that America can’t run a fair election. He is swinging at every phantom of his own imagination because he knows he’s losing. (Donald Quotes)
Even Donald Trump’s hairpiece is fed up with his insults and says it now supports Bernie Sanders. When Trump found out, he sobbed (Donald Quotes)
There’s no question that Donald Trump has said things that are very unsettling. I mean, whether it’s comparing Mexicans to rapists, demonizing Muslim Americans, excoriating the federal judge who was handling the case. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump speaks extemporaneously, often through stream of consciousness, where it doesn’t seem to follow a trajectory. (Donald Quotes)
It’s simply not true that Donald Trump has no experience in foreign affairs. Hell, two of his foreign affairs resulted in marriages! (Donald Quotes)
A number of foreign policy experts distanced themselves from Donald Trump, not Michael Flynn (Donald Quotes)
We should demand that Donald release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships that he has with the Russians and other foreign powers. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump did his usual softball interview on Fox News where the interviewer agreed with Trump that using that Yiddish vulgarity is going to be OK for him. (Donald Quotes)
I don’t think that Donald Trump is a conservative. In fact, you go on Fox News, and half the people say he is and half say he isn’t. (Donald Quotes)
So long as Donald Trump is powerful and popular, Fox News is going to achieve an advertising bonanza unheard of in the era of modern cable, because people will pay them to talk to the president. (Donald Quotes)
We saw recently that Donald Trump has gotten now over $4 billion in free media exposure, Hillary Clinton over $2 billion, and of course I’ve had almost none. (Donald Quotes)
Remember Donald Trump had about $4 billion worth of free media, and Hillary Clinton has had about $2 billion, and we’ve had zero. I think it remarkable that we are standing where we are. (Donald Quotes)
As an American, no one expected Donald Trump to ever be a serious candidate for President. I don’t think he even expected to be a serious candidate. He wanted the free media he would get. (Donald Quotes)
Donald Trump announces this morning that he will run for president. His hair will announce on Friday. (Donald Quotes)