Donna Lynn Hope Quotes

Text Quotes
Just following orders’ is no excuse unless you’re in the bedroom (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Only cowards cave. The brave get assassinated. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
You can’t be in my world...You live in this one. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Her heart is as soft as her curves and neither are easy to access (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Emotions have cycles whereas love endures. Some people confuse emotions, which are ever-changing, with love’s durability. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Truth and integrity must be so rare these days that it confuses people when they hear it (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Evil spawns mayhem while benevolence repairs; doing good comforts the living while prayers are extended to the one who attends to the dead. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Weird people don’t care if they’re weird. They are the most entertaining to converse with because nothing is off-limits. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Don’t concern yourself with the opinions of those who judge you. That is placing on them an importance they do not have. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
One woman’s definition of success may not be another’s. Is success, as the world defines it, an accomplishment in a society this sick? (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
The air is cold and dusk has descended. In the distance lightning flickers and a far away rumble of thunder awakens my thoughts and makes me remember. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
There was once a spirited feral mustang broken in by her stern rider. It was a harmonious relationship for the most part but, like any relationship, she tested the boundaries he placed on her and threw him...Would the rider, having suffered his own wound, retaliate, discipline or forgive? (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Just because you talk about it or advocate for one position doesn’t mean you care more. Just because someone doesn’t talk about it and advocates a different position doesn’t mean they care less. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Some people, who always talk about how busy they are, are really trying to claim how ‘important’ they are. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
Can I be trusted? Can you? I can be trusted with some things, but not all things, just like you. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
I’ve seen you around. You liken yourself a bad ass, and darlin’, you are. Minus the bad. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)
I like awkward moments. They are full of tension and suspense. Anything’s possible or, at the very least, they are the source of some electric sizzle. (Donna Lynn Hope Quotes)