Don't change the beggar into a conqueror, because it was the beggar who led you to conquest

Don't change the beggar into a conqueror, because it was the beggar who led you to conquest
Witold Gombrowicz, a Polish writer and playwright known for his satirical and philosophical works, often explored themes of identity, power, and the human condition in his writing. The quote "Don't change the beggar into a conqueror, because it was the beggar who led you to conquest" can be interpreted in various ways within the context of Gombrowicz's work.One possible interpretation is that Gombrowicz is cautioning against the temptation to elevate oneself above others or to change one's identity in pursuit of power or success. In his novel "Ferdydurke," Gombrowicz explores the absurdity of social conventions and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. The protagonist, Joey, is forced to return to school as a grown man and navigate the complex power dynamics and social hierarchies of the institution. Through Joey's experiences, Gombrowicz critiques the ways in which individuals are shaped and controlled by external forces, and the dangers of losing oneself in the pursuit of status or success.