Don't put anything stupid for your senior quote

Don't put anything stupid for your senior quote
As high school seniors prepare to graduate and move on to the next chapter of their lives, one tradition that many look forward to is choosing a senior quote to be immortalized in the yearbook. This quote is meant to encapsulate the essence of their high school experience, their personality, and their hopes for the future. However, with the pressure to come up with something witty, profound, or memorable, it can be tempting to put something silly or even stupid as a senior quote.While it may seem like a harmless joke at the time, choosing a stupid senior quote can have lasting consequences. Not only will it be forever associated with your name in the yearbook, but it may also reflect poorly on your character and intelligence. Potential employers, college admissions officers, and even future friends and colleagues may come across your senior quote and form judgments about you based on what you chose to immortalize in print.