Don't waste your time on revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their own karma

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Don't waste your time on revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their own karma
Revenge is often seen as a natural response to being wronged or hurt by someone. It is a way to seek justice and make the other person pay for their actions. However, the idea of revenge is ultimately a waste of time and energy. Holding onto anger and seeking revenge only serves to prolong the pain and suffering caused by the initial hurt.The quote "Don't waste your time on revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their own karma" speaks to the idea that we should not be consumed by thoughts of revenge, as those who have wronged us will ultimately face the consequences of their actions in due time. This concept of karma, the belief that our actions have consequences that will come back to us in some form, is a powerful reminder that we do not need to take matters into our own hands.
When we focus on seeking revenge, we are allowing the actions of others to control our thoughts and emotions. We become consumed by anger and resentment, which can have a negative impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Instead of wasting our time and energy on thoughts of revenge, we can choose to let go of the hurt and move forward with our lives.
By letting go of the desire for revenge, we free ourselves from the burden of carrying around negative emotions. We can focus on healing and moving on from the hurt, rather than dwelling on thoughts of retaliation. This allows us to live more fully in the present moment, without being weighed down by thoughts of the past.