Don't worry so much where you live but how you live. Make the family of man your family as well

Don't worry so much where you live but how you live. Make the family of man your family as well
Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet," was a renowned American psychic who provided thousands of readings on various topics, including health, spirituality, and past lives. One of the key messages that Cayce frequently emphasized in his readings was the importance of living a life of compassion, kindness, and unity with all of humanity.Cayce believed that the physical location where one resides is not as important as the way in which one lives their life. He often spoke about the interconnectedness of all beings and the need to treat others with love and respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. Cayce encouraged individuals to expand their sense of family beyond their immediate relatives and to see all of humanity as part of their extended family.
In one of his readings, Cayce stated, "Don't worry so much where you live but how you live. Make the family of man your family as well." This message underscores the idea that true fulfillment and happiness come from living a life of service, compassion, and understanding towards others. Cayce believed that by treating all individuals as part of our larger human family, we can create a more harmonious and peaceful world.
Cayce's teachings on the importance of unity and compassion are particularly relevant in today's world, where there is often division and conflict among different groups of people. By embracing the idea of the family of man and seeing all individuals as interconnected and deserving of love and respect, we can work towards building a more inclusive and compassionate society.