Doomed Quotes

Text Quotes
No one should be doomed to a life of poverty, whether by birth or as a consequence of war (Doomed Quotes)
The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life (Doomed Quotes)
The man who has an intelligent child is doomed to spend his life justifying every decision he makes (Doomed Quotes)
A man who fears ridicule will never go far, for good or ill: he remains on this side of this talents, and even if he has genius, he is doomed to mediocrity (Doomed Quotes)
Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality (Doomed Quotes)
Doomed are the hotheads! Unhappy are they who lose their cool and are too proud to say, I’m sorry (Doomed Quotes)
He who sees age on the outside of things is doomed to underestimate the vitality of raisins (Doomed Quotes)
Life is nothing but a bet that in the end everyone is doomed to lose. So you’d better get used! (Doomed Quotes)
In real life you are doomed if you believe in youth and money, but not here in Hollywood. Nothing is what it seems (Doomed Quotes)
Being born at the tag-end of the baby boom, I was destined (or doomed, depending on how you look at it) to fall in love with sci-fi. It was one of my first literary loves, as a matter of fact (Doomed Quotes)
Life is neither static nor unchanging. With no individuality, there can be no change, no adaptation and, in an inherently changing world, any species unable to adapt is also doomed (Doomed Quotes)
You know the saying: he who doesn’t understand history is doomed to repeat it. And when it’s repeated, the stakes are doubled (Doomed Quotes)
Otherwise, three little words would have leaked from his mouth. And undoubtedly doomed him in ways he couldn’t even guess at. Bad time. Bad place. For that kind of thing. Forever (Doomed Quotes)
I love stories about two people who are doing illegal things, who we really enjoy watching despite the fact that we know they are doomed in some way (Doomed Quotes)
Even though marriage is doomed, if you turned it into a job you like and really work at it - it can be salvaged (Doomed Quotes)
Kubrick’s vision seemed to be that humans are doomed, whereas Clarke’s is that humans are moving on to a better stage of evolution (Doomed Quotes)
If you go into a relationship expecting someone else to fill you up, you’re doomed right off (Doomed Quotes)
I always wanted to be an explorer, but - it seemed I was doomed to be nothing more than a very silly person (Doomed Quotes)
Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to fail unless God is in it, and you’re in it as well (Doomed Quotes)
Not all animal brides are doomed. Not all men are greedy or violent or possessive (Doomed Quotes)
That’s the hell of sand castles. They are always doomed. That’s part of their beauty - their impermanence (Doomed Quotes)
New York... Babylon-on-the-Hudson, sinful, extravagant, full of the nervous hilarity of the doomed (Doomed Quotes)
Without question, the notion of the doctor as a legitimate fee-for-service entrepreneur, making his fortune from misfortunes of his patients, is old-fashioned, distasteful, and doomed (Doomed Quotes)
I read a lot of F. Scott Fitzgerald. I love ‘Tender is the Night,’ and its atmosphere of doomed romance. He was one of the greatest prose stylists, with a wonderfully clear but lyrical quality (Doomed Quotes)
I do not share the gloomy thought that Negroes in America are doomed to be stomped out bodaciously, nor even shackled to the bottom of things. Of course some of them will be tromped out, and some will always be at the bottom, keeping company with other bottom-folks (Doomed Quotes)
There are many deaf people who couldn’t imagine living in a marriage without someone who doesn’t speak their language. For me, I believe that hearing or deaf is fine as long as both parties are willing to communicate in each other’s language. But if there’s no communication, then the marriage, I believe, will be difficult if not doomed (Doomed Quotes)
What is memory but the repository of things doomed to be forgotten, so you must have History. You must have labor to invent History. Being faithful to all that happens to you of significance, recording days, dates, events, names, sights not relying merely upon memory which fades like a Polaroid print where you see the memory fading before your eyes like time itself retreating (Doomed Quotes)
In my early to mid-20s, a fear of confrontation made it difficult for me to end relationships in a mature or even quasi-sane way. Instead, I would hang on resentfully, praying that my doomed beau would end things first and spare me the displeasure. To add hindrance to hang-up, the men I chose were usually just as stoic as I was (Doomed Quotes)
What’s it like to figure out you’re gay and then begin the process of coming out? Well, for most of my life, I felt doomed. I could imagine no path that would allow me to realize my authentic self. I felt the need to lie, even to myself, insisting: I am straight (Doomed Quotes)
In the conditions of modern life the rule is absolute, the race which does not value trained intelligence is doomed (Doomed Quotes)