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Door Quotes

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They’ll try to close the door on you... Just open it  (Door Quotes) Where the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window  (Door Quotes) All I know is a door into the dark  (Door Quotes) When God closes one door, He slams another in your face  (Door Quotes) One foot in the door, one foot out the door  (Door Quotes) When one door closes, three new ones open  (Door Quotes) Good resumes get your foot in the door, connections get you jobs  (Door Quotes) Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. And lo, no one was there  (Door Quotes) Serious development of the personality begins at the closet door  (Door Quotes) Once you walk out of my life, the door locks behind you  (Door Quotes) Get a feel for fur: Slam your fingers in a car door  (Door Quotes) All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door  (Door Quotes) Where one door closes, another opens  (Door Quotes) Playing wit death is like knocking on the devils door  (Door Quotes) We’re knocking on the door of success  (Door Quotes) There is no key to happiness and success. The door is always open  (Door Quotes) If you get your foot in the door, kick the door in  (Door Quotes) The door of opportunity is wide open if you are prepared  (Door Quotes) If fate locks the door, go in through the window  (Door Quotes) A door opens to me. I go in and am faced with a hundred closed doors  (Door Quotes) When you open your heart to giving, angels fly to your door  (Door Quotes) Humility opens the door of opportunity  (Door Quotes) I’m the lost angel knocking on the devils door  (Door Quotes) I got my foot in the door, but everyday is a fight  (Door Quotes) Acceptance is the bridge. Understanding is the door. Love is the key  (Door Quotes) Shay Given is champing on the door to be involved this weekend  (Door Quotes) Katrina opened a good door and Al Gore went through it with his movie  (Door Quotes) The back door beckons to a prodigal son  (Door Quotes) The back door of every tomb opens on a hilltop  (Door Quotes) The blessing always comes back to the door of the author  (Door Quotes)
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