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Every time I await a model, even when I am most pressed to time, I am overjoyed when the time comes and I tremble when I hear the key turn in the door  (Door Quotes) Revealing secrets can bring us pain or get us into trouble, but worse pain and worse trouble await us if we keep silent...Revealing secrets can bring us pain or get us into trouble, but worse pain and worse trouble await us if we keep silent? we become habitually untruthful. The door to our creativity closes. gr we become habitually untruthful. The door to our creativity closes  (Door Quotes) Prose is like a window; fiction is like a door. But it is not uncommon that he who should come in through the door jumps in through the window  (Door Quotes) Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life  (Door Quotes) A company in which anyone is afraid to speak up, to differ, to be daring and original, is closing the coffin door on itself  (Door Quotes) In the name of friendship you should make sure your door is always open to listen. Don’t feel you need to provide unsolicited possible solutions, answers or even ideas. Listening without judgment and offering assistance when asked should be enough. That’s friendship’s high calling  (Door Quotes) Greatness and madness are next door neighbours; and they borrow each other’s sugar. You don’t get there without the other  (Door Quotes) Faith without works is like a song you can’t sing. It’s about as useless as a screen door on a submarine  (Door Quotes) Invite them all in. Nip out the back door. Phone the police and tell them your house is being burgled  (Door Quotes) There’s nothing wrong with making love with the light on. Just make sure the car door is closed  (Door Quotes) You write music for yourself and if you just open that door and let people in, the audience is going to grow and it’s going to become more accessible  (Door Quotes) I don’t write hits. If you just open that door, you’re going to get a hit  (Door Quotes) History is full of wrongs done the wife by legal robbery on the part of the husband. I hesitate not to assert that most of this crime of child murder, abortion, infanticide, lies at the door of the male sex  (Door Quotes) The door of a bigoted mind opens outwards so that the only result of the pressure of facts upon it is to close it more snugly  (Door Quotes) Architecture is made of memory. The slope of a roof, the shape of a window, and the color of a door contain the record of the minds that conceived them and the hands that crafted them  (Door Quotes) A friend who loved perfection would be the perfect friend, did not that love shut his door on me  (Door Quotes) Come when you’re called; And do as you’re bid; Shut the door after you; And you’ll never be chid  (Door Quotes) He who shuts out truth, by the same act opens the door to all the error that supplies its place  (Door Quotes) If you’re going to make a comedy and if your sole interest is in making people laugh and feel good and entertaining them, then you check your ego at the door  (Door Quotes) Good judgment, common sense, and reason all fly out the window when emotions kick down your door  (Door Quotes) The key to writing is something to be stolen. How else does one open the door to a house of thieves?  (Door Quotes) A book is like a door. You walk through the cover and you don’t know what you’re going to find  (Door Quotes) The night will close the door and fasten my anchor within the veil and I shall go away to sleep  (Door Quotes) Most people have never known solitude... But there are a few of the other kind who can go back to their rooms anywhere and close the door on the whole world, and feel that they need never emerge  (Door Quotes) Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master  (Door Quotes) It is not enough... simply to surrender oneself brainlessly to love, when it knocks at the door, one must also calculate because of later life, which does sometimes follow  (Door Quotes) The flyscreen door slammed behind me. My feet dragged. I reached each arm into the jacket. Warm sleeves. Crumpled collar. Hands in pockets. Okay. I walked  (Door Quotes) Grief is a house that disappears each time someone knocks at the door or rings the bell a house that blows into the air at the slightest gust that buries itself deep in the ground while everyone is sleeping  (Door Quotes) Get your players on who can unlock the door and sooner or later they will break the door down  (Door Quotes) If we fixed a hangnail the way our government fixes the economy, we’d slam a car door on it  (Door Quotes)
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