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Door Quotes

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If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door, but only as long as it’s not visible from the street  (Door Quotes) One of the most important signs of the existence of a democracy is that when there is a knock at the door at 5 in the morning, one is completely certain that it is the milkman  (Door Quotes) The difficulties of life do not keep you from greatness. They show you to its door  (Door Quotes) Were it possible for us to wait for ourselves to come into the room, not many of us would find our hearts breaking into flower as we heard the door handle turn  (Door Quotes) There’s no future in our past. Just experience. We want to return to it, but we don’t want to close the door on it either  (Door Quotes) I was born on the kitchen table. We were so poor my mother couldn’t afford to have me; the lady next door gave birth to me  (Door Quotes) Always give more in service, than you receive in payment, and customers will beat a path to your door  (Door Quotes) The key that unlocks a door is a key to keep if you want to go through that door again  (Door Quotes) There would be no population explosion if people who are trying to keep the wolf from the door wouldn’t let the stork fly in through the window  (Door Quotes) Everybody loves vampire stories, and if theres one show in particular thats done really well, it just opens the door and the opportunity for more of those kind of stories to get through  (Door Quotes) Democracy means that when there’s a knock in the door at 3 am, it’s probably the milkman  (Door Quotes) Opportunity knocks at every man’s door once. On some men’s door it hammers till it breaks down the door and then it goes in and wakes him up if he’s asleep, and ever afterward it works for him as a night watchman  (Door Quotes) If you buy your husband or boyfriend a video camera, for the first few weeks he has it, lock the door when you go to the bathroom. Most of my husband’s early films end with a scream and a flush  (Door Quotes) Doctors say it’s okay to have sex after a heart attack, provided you close the ambulance door  (Door Quotes) Shut the door not that it lets in the cold but that it lets out the coziness  (Door Quotes) Books showed me there were possibilities in life, that there were actually people like me living in a world I could not only aspire to but attain. Reading gave me hope. For me, it was the open door  (Door Quotes) It is often the case with a new idea that when it comes knocking on society’s door with modesty and the best premises for its existence, there is a tremendous outcry from inside  (Door Quotes) The world has been busy for some centuries in shutting and locking every door through which a woman could step into wealth, except the door of marriage  (Door Quotes) The truth, it seems, is not just what you find when you open a door: it is itself a door, which the poet is always on the verge of going through  (Door Quotes) How can you give a man a room in a house and not let him come through the front door?  (Door Quotes) A man at his desk in a room with a closed door is a man at work. A woman at a desk in any room is available  (Door Quotes) Hospitality, or flinging wide the door to friends and wayfarers alike, was once important, back in a world without motels or safety nets, where a friend might find his castle burnt down or a wayfarer find bandits on his trail  (Door Quotes) I never would just open a door and walk through, I had to bust it down for the hell of it. I just naturally liked doing things the hard way  (Door Quotes) The kind of crabbing my wife likes to do is to return from an afternoon’s swim or sunbathing session, open the refrigerator door, and find a generous plate of crab cakes all ready to cook  (Door Quotes) It’s not sufficient in the internet age to communicate through the media; you have to be able to do it on the ground, door by door, coffee shop by coffee shop, shop floor by shop floor. You really have to do that as well  (Door Quotes) A lot of people think that you easily get roles because you do music. I mean, you could knock on the door faster than anybody, but it doesn’t necessarily get you in  (Door Quotes) Studios weren’t banging on my door to offer me parts... And I thought, well how am I ever going to make movies that speak to my heart and to my values?  (Door Quotes) You learn a lot as a kid, like you don’t know anything. I didn’t know what was gonna happen if I opened the door. I thought I was gonna be in another world somehow  (Door Quotes) ... when I left the stage door and sought my orientation among real people I was in a wilderness of unpredictables in an unchoreographed world  (Door Quotes) From the moment we walk out the door until we come back home our sensibilities are so assaulted by the world that we have to soak up as much love as we can get, simply to arm ourselves  (Door Quotes)
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