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Satire is not a social dynamite. But it is a social indicator: it shows that new men are knocking at the door  (Door Quotes) Her mind lives tidily, apart from cold and noise and pain. And bolts the door against her heart, out wailing in the rain  (Door Quotes) Fortune knocks at every man’s door once in a life, but in a good many cases the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her  (Door Quotes) A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door  (Door Quotes) The enemy is more easily overcome if he be not suffered to enter the door of our hearts, but be resisted without the gate at his first knock  (Door Quotes) Luck generally comes to those who look for it, and my notion is that it taps, once in a lifetime, at everybody’s door, but if industry does not open it luck goes away  (Door Quotes) While your client is watching for you at the front door, slip out at the back  (Door Quotes) If ever there was a slamming of the door in the face of constructive investigation, it is the word miracle. To a medieval peasant, a radio would have seemed like a miracle  (Door Quotes) When you get into a hotel room, you lock the door, and you know there is a secrecy, there is a luxury, there is fantasy. There is comfort. There is reassurance  (Door Quotes) There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in  (Door Quotes) Happy accidents are real gifts, and they can open the door to a future that didn’t even exist. It’s kind of nice sometimes to set up something to encourage or allow happy accidents to happen  (Door Quotes) The bird, the bee, the running child are all the same to the sliding glass door  (Door Quotes) I think whenever we think of our hometowns, we tend to think of very specific people: with whom you rode on the school bus, who was your next door neighbor you were playing with, who your girlfriend was. It’s always something very specific  (Door Quotes) If you’re trying too hard to be the girl next door, you’re not going to be  (Door Quotes) At one time, I was very angry. I even treated fashion like a kind of crusade: you were either with us or against us, that kind of feeling. Now I know we need ideas, not kicking down a door  (Door Quotes) The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error  (Door Quotes) Elinor could sit still no longer. She almost ran out of the room, and as soon as the door was closed, burst into tears of joy, which at first she thought would never cease  (Door Quotes) You need something to open up a new door, to show you something you seen before but overlooked a hundred times or more  (Door Quotes) The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this method?  (Door Quotes) Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there’s no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door  (Door Quotes) The police are asking through the bedroom door, why did I make a batch of strawberry daiquiris before I called them? Because we were out of raspberries. Because, can’t they see, it just does not matter. Time was not of the essence  (Door Quotes) I open the door of the cell and go. I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit  (Door Quotes) Bina rolls her eyes, hands on her hips, glances at the door. Then she comes over and drops her bag and plops down beside him. How many times, he wonders, can she have enough of him, already, and still have not quite enough?  (Door Quotes) I’ve got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen  (Door Quotes) Times change so quickly that if you and I don’t keep up with the times, we’ll find ourselves with an umbrella in our hand, over our head, when the sun is out. Or we’ll find ourselves standing in the rain, with the umbrella inside the door  (Door Quotes) Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer  (Door Quotes) The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end  (Door Quotes) You invite things to happen. You open the door. You inhale. And if you inhale the chaos, you give the chaos, the chaos gives back  (Door Quotes) The closet door is open for me, where I left it, since I left it open, it has graciously stayed open  (Door Quotes) Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given the door with open  (Door Quotes)
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