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Door Quotes

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I did some plays in high school. Yes. Never took it that seriously. My parents, however, wanted me to go to college. My grades weren’t exactly spectacular so they figured acting might be a necessary back door into some school.  (Door Quotes) I come from Beverley in East Yorkshire, and no one there would step outside their front door, or even their back door, on a Saturday night - or any other time, for that matter - unless they were dressed to the nines.  (Door Quotes) The government does things like insisting that all encryption programs should have a back door. But surely no one is stupid enough to think the terrorists are going to use encryption systems with a back door. The terrorists will simply hire a programmer to come up with a secure encryption scheme.  (Door Quotes) Well, I’m certainly glad that I was nominated for an Oscar. There is certainly a respect that comes with that nod. Also, a compliment that comes with it, too. Not that I really know what I’m doing. In a lot of ways I feel like some child on set, or like a kid that snuck in the back door.  (Door Quotes) As far as I’m concerned, collaboration is the essence of life. It’s wonderful to be able to have talents, and, very often, we think that we know what our talents are, or we find out through a back door that we have a talent. I know that I found out I was a lyricist quite through a back door.  (Door Quotes) In my case, there’s no revolving door... I won’t be going back to government.  (Door Quotes) Mexico is the front door to South America - and the back door to the states...  (Door Quotes) I tired the back door -- unlocked. Truley the Man Upstairs was smiling down on me.  (Door Quotes) You can’t hack your destiny, brute force...you need a back door, a side channel into Life.  (Door Quotes) The fear is that talking back, that engaging at all, is to open the door for god-knows-what  (Door Quotes) Comedy’s been really liberating for me because I’ve been able to sneak the singing part in through the back door.  (Door Quotes) Leave your front door and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.  (Door Quotes) If you’re a star you go through the front door carrying the roses, instead of through the back door carrying the garbage.  (Door Quotes) I pissed away over ten million dollars On dope and crack I passed away deader than a door knob But now I’m back  (Door Quotes) My shoulder will never be the same. I expect you to nurse me back to health.’-Jace’Just break the door down, will you?’-Clary  (Door Quotes) He held his hands tightly together and cursed his daughter for bringing the terrible world, with its humiliation and longing, back to his door.  (Door Quotes) He went to hell and back, to shut the door of his past, he would not let that door be opened again by others.  (Door Quotes) God promises to open the door when we knock, and to always welcome us back into his love, no matter how far we have strayed.  (Door Quotes) I had inadvertently walked through a door that I shouldn’t have gone through and couldn’t get back to the place I hadn’t meant to leave.  (Door Quotes) A book is a magic carpet that flies you off somewhere. A book is a door. You open it. You step through. Do you come back?  (Door Quotes) They’re powerful, those songs. At times they’ve been my only way back, the only door out of the dark, bad places the black dog calls home.  (Door Quotes) When you hear fear knocking on the door, most of the time when you answer it there’s nothing there. It’s just you holding yourself back.  (Door Quotes) ...on the job there was nothing but the job. You left the shit outside the door. You could always pick it up on your way back out.  (Door Quotes) My father said: If you want to catch your girl cheating, you knock on the front door and run to the back, because he’s coming out the back.  (Door Quotes) I once missed an appointment because I left my house, I locked the door. And then I thought, like anybody else, you know, ‘I don’t think I locked the door.’ I just kept going back to the door. And I couldn’t stop myself from checking and checking.  (Door Quotes) A horse’s hindquarters appeared at the door, the horse backing slowly down a rampBuckwheat! Emily squealedYou bringed my horsie!  (Door Quotes) Good bye is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door.  (Door Quotes) I’ve been pretty lucky with neighbors. But back in 1998, I lived, like, literally next door to Wrigley Field in Chicago. And I had, like, 50,000 bad neighbors spread out over the course of one summer. I’m a diehard Cubs fan, but living right next to the ballpark, it’s just - as you’re trying to go to sleep, you can just, like, hear urination.  (Door Quotes) There is a penalty for trying to knock down a cockpit door, but it’s the people who try to go from coach to 1st class they really beat up.  (Door Quotes) I know, a lot of the films I’ve done, it’s obvious I’m going to beat up six guys and just walk out the door. There’s not a lot of motivating factors - it’s just action for the sake of action.  (Door Quotes)
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