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Door Quotes

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I’m still there, watching those possessed children, as far away from the mystery now as I was then. I’ve never written, though I thought I wrote, never loved, though I thought I loved, never done anything but wait outside the closed door.  (Door Quotes) A lot of people assume that creating software is purely a solitary activity where you sit in an office with the door closed all day and write lots of code.  (Door Quotes) I grew up where, when a door closed, a window didn’t open. The only thing I had was cracks. I’d do everything to get through those cracks - scratch, claw, bite, push, bleed. Now the opportunity is here. The door is wide open, and it’s as big as a garage.  (Door Quotes) As a child, I always wanted to be the last one to take a bath because I knew I could close the door and spend hours just having my bath and singing.  (Door Quotes) I don’t want to close the door that if any of us were president of the United States that we would sit idly by and watch something like the Holocaust go down. I don’t want to close the door on the United States involving themselves and putting a stop to that. Can we spend money on that? Yeah, I think so.  (Door Quotes) Happiness is.. looking at the closing door, then bolting them from outside and fleeing.  (Door Quotes) Closing the door to toxicity is the most effective way to make space for new opportunity  (Door Quotes) When hearing a door creak, the optimist thinks it’s opening and the pessimist thinks it’s closing.  (Door Quotes) I’m a terrible procrastinator. When we go to the airport, if they’re not literally closing the door behind my sweaty, hyperventilating body, I feel I’ve been there too long.  (Door Quotes) My mom modeled and made clothes, so I always had such an appreciation for design. And then Gossip Girl completely blew open the door to fashion for me.  (Door Quotes) I wasn’t a good student in high school. I wanted to go to college, but they weren’t exactly beating down my door to offer me admission, and it’s so expensive in the U.S. If you join up for a period, the army will pay your school and provide a stipend.  (Door Quotes) It’s funny, because when I was in college, all my professors said, ‘You should do comedy.’ And I was like, ‘No! No!’ But I was able to get my foot in the door through comedy. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to do it.  (Door Quotes) I feel like being a door person was like college in a sense. I could watch comedy on a professional level seven nights a week without paying, and they would pay me a nominal amount of money to be there.  (Door Quotes) Learn from your past and shut the door behind to live in present.Our past is just like a dry rose which was once a rose with all colors of life, with sweet fragrance, with soft petal, with thorns but now it is left with only thorns which could still hurt.  (Door Quotes) If a movie is described as a romantic comedy, you can usually find me next door playing pinball  (Door Quotes) Nothing belongs to me. Everything comes and goes. Serenity is an open door.  (Door Quotes) When you live in a condo complex with people next door, I don’t know how you can be dead for four months without anybody noticing you not coming and going.  (Door Quotes) I cannot sleep for dreaming; I cannot dream but I wake and walk about the house as though I’d find you coming through some door.  (Door Quotes) I can’t imagine my life without animals. I have two dogs and three cats. Coming home and finding them all lined up at the door waiting for me has got to be one of the sweetest joys of my life.  (Door Quotes) I never got a formal education. So my intellect is my common sense. I don’t have anything else going for me. And my common sense opens the door to instinct.  (Door Quotes) The internet and online communication is the window into your world - but real life, in person communication / connection is the door.  (Door Quotes) It’s not like I don’t want to play the guy next door. But sometimes they’re not the best written or the most complicated. But I am very, very particular about my bad boys. There are certain types of characters I will not play. I’ve said no so many times to so many parts that are just way too dark. You have to be careful.  (Door Quotes) It’s always better if you’re next door. Ideas come up at the oddest times. They don’t always come up in a conference call.  (Door Quotes) Our Lord speaks of many coming up to His door confident of admission, whom He yet sends away. Faith is obedience, not confidence.  (Door Quotes) There’s nothing I like better than going to my apartment, closing the door, cooking my little dinner for one and just tuning out. My apartment really is my haven. It’s a nest where I go to heal.  (Door Quotes) [The spirit of party] opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.  (Door Quotes) After character becomes imbued with conscious principles of love, integrity, and faith, it opens the door for purity and holiness to converge at the portals of the soul like sentinels guarding against any counter attacks from the ego.  (Door Quotes) It’s hard to absorb and to allow all that attention and accolades for ‘Rent’ because the rest of the country doesn’t know who we are. Once I walk out of the door of ‘Rent,’ and I’m on the subway, it doesn’t matter. It’s an exaggerated sense of fame.  (Door Quotes) In my entire life, any time I’ve ever lost something, I’ve gotten something even better going around the next corner. It’s like one door closes and another door opens. As long as I can walk through the produce section in every grocery store in this country and eat the grapes that they’re going to throw away, I know I can be fine.  (Door Quotes) I think it is a wise person who does not answer the door to uninvited police officers. Who knows what kind of crazy person could be standing there with a loaded gun!  (Door Quotes)
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