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Door Quotes

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Closure isn’t closure until someone’s ready to close the door  (Door Quotes) The sun will shine in my back door one day  (Door Quotes) It ain’t always rocket science, sometimes a door is just a door  (Door Quotes) You might as well answer the door, my child, the truth is furiously knocking  (Door Quotes) The door snicked shut  (Door Quotes) The good life doesn’t knock on the door. Joy is a job  (Door Quotes) If you want to see the girl next door, go next door  (Door Quotes) It’s hard to close the door on optimistic expectations when you love someone  (Door Quotes) I was swinging like a toilet door on a prawn trawler  (Door Quotes) Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences  (Door Quotes) The hardest distance is always from the sofa to the front door  (Door Quotes) The door of the human heart, can only be opened from the inside  (Door Quotes) People who live in glasshouses might as well answer the door  (Door Quotes) As one door closes, another one shuts  (Door Quotes) The closed door and the sealed lips are prerequisites to tyranny  (Door Quotes) I do twenty minutes every time the refrigerator door opens and the light comes on  (Door Quotes) There’s a restless feeling knocking on my door today  (Door Quotes) My generation is now the door to memory. That is why I am remembering  (Door Quotes) A door once opened may be stepped through in either direction  (Door Quotes) Growing up, my next door neighbor was my best friend and an only child too  (Door Quotes) When one door closes, another one opens  (Door Quotes) Happiness to a dog is what lies on the other side of the door  (Door Quotes) I want the world to recognize with me the open door of every consciousness  (Door Quotes) Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. You are still in great company  (Door Quotes) If thou followeth a wall far enough, there must be a door in it  (Door Quotes) Work is the master key that opens the door to all opportunities  (Door Quotes) The door handle is the handshake of the building  (Door Quotes) I believe that behind every closed door there is an open space  (Door Quotes) You never know you are in a prison unless you try the door  (Door Quotes) My family was so poor the lady next door gave birth to me  (Door Quotes)
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