Doth any man live more to himself, or less to God, than the proud?

Doth any man live more to himself, or less to God, than the proud?
Richard Baxter, a prominent English Puritan theologian and pastor, was known for his strong convictions and unwavering commitment to God. In his writings, Baxter often emphasized the dangers of pride and the importance of living a life devoted to God. One of his most famous quotes is, “Doth any man live more to himself, or less to God, than the proud?”Baxter believed that pride was one of the most insidious sins, as it led individuals to focus solely on themselves and their own accomplishments, rather than on God and His will. The proud person, in Baxter’s view, is so consumed with their own importance and self-sufficiency that they neglect their relationship with God and fail to recognize His sovereignty over their lives.
For Baxter, living a life of pride was not only detrimental to one’s spiritual well-being, but also hindered their ability to truly serve and glorify God. He believed that true humility and submission to God were essential for a Christian to live a life that was pleasing to Him.
In Baxter’s eyes, the proud person was like a ship adrift at sea, tossed about by the waves of their own ego and self-importance. They were unable to find true peace and fulfillment because they were not anchored in God’s love and grace.
Baxter’s words serve as a powerful reminder to all Christians to guard against the sin of pride and to continually seek God’s will in all aspects of their lives. By humbling ourselves before God and acknowledging His sovereignty, we can live a life that is truly devoted to Him and bring glory to His name.