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Double Quotes

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Sometimes I’d knock on the door of somebody I was going to school with, so it was like living a double life.  (Double Quotes) All myth is an enriched pattern, a two-faced proposition, allowing its operator to say one thing and mean another, to lead a double life.  (Double Quotes) I have never owned a share of stock in my life, and the only time I’ve double dipped into anything is at the snack tray.  (Double Quotes) It’s possible that we could change a human gene and double our life span. I don’t know if that’s true, but we can’t rule that out.  (Double Quotes) Anyone who still feels today that he has to lead a double life because he’s gay is driven by a fear that I think is unfounded.  (Double Quotes) We all have to lead double lives, not just celebrities. The face we put on publicly with our jobs and certain situations. I think that’s part of the human condition.  (Double Quotes) There are some qualities, some incorporate things, that have a double life, which thus is made. A type os twin entity which springs from matter and light, envinced in solid and shade.  (Double Quotes) When I’m writing a novel, I’m dealing with a double life. I live in the present at the same time that I live in the past with my characters. It is this that makes a novelist so eccentric and unpleasant.  (Double Quotes) I’m pretty down to earth, I always have been and though I am on a much different path than most 25 year olds, I feel like I have a bit of a double life. We will go on tour for weeks at a time, but when I come home, I feel like I am picking up where I left off.  (Double Quotes) Social life comes from a double source, the likeness of consciences and the division of social labour.  (Double Quotes) Thus would I double my life’s fading space;For he that runs it well, runs twice his race  (Double Quotes) Leaders scan the future so it can be free of doubts and fear. They do so by not living a double standard life in the present.  (Double Quotes) A bachelor May thrive by observation on a little, A single life’s no burthen: but to draw In yokes is chargeable, and will require A double maintenance.  (Double Quotes) In life two negatives don’t make a positive. Double negatives turn positive only in math and formal logic. In life things just get worse and worse and worse.  (Double Quotes) I used to live on a reserve, but I went back and forth between my reserve and Ottawa where my father lived, so I kind of had a double life growing up.  (Double Quotes) Maybe language is kind, giving us these double meanings. Maybe it’s trying to teach us a lesson, that we can always be two things at once.  (Double Quotes) Photographs freed from the scientific bias can, and indeed usually do, have double meanings, implied meanings, unintended meanings, can hint and insinuate, and may even mean the opposite of what they apparently mean.  (Double Quotes) I thought The Limits of Control could be interpreted in two ways: as the limits of one’s self-control; and as the limits of allowing other people’s control over one’s -consciousness - which I kind of thought was a double meaning that was appropriate.  (Double Quotes) Most credit cards provide some sort of protection against a defective purchase, and with gold or platinum cards, you’ll often get double the manufacturer’s warranty. You’re also not immediately out your own money if something goes wrong.  (Double Quotes) The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in bonuses last year was double the total income of ALL full-time minimum wage workers. That’s obscene.  (Double Quotes) Hopefully with a woman President the double standard will slowly begin to wane  (Double Quotes) On the [Andrew] Puzder point, I do agree there has been a double standard  (Double Quotes) Does he have a double standard for black critics as opposed to white critics?  (Double Quotes) Libertarians make no exceptions to the golden rule and provide no moral loophole, no double standard, for government.  (Double Quotes) It’s true that in Cuba there are double standards, there’s opportunism, and there is a lack of freedom in some ways.  (Double Quotes) There are a few dogmas and double standards and really regrettable exports from philosophy that have confounded the thinking of scientists on the subject of morality.  (Double Quotes) I think we cannot have a double standard. We cannot see our art as different from the reality. We cannot use two different sets of judgment.  (Double Quotes) History is filled with double standards: a man who uses a woman is colored an ass, yet a woman who uses a man is hailed as resourceful.  (Double Quotes) There’s a double standard between writers and readers. Readers can be unfaithful to writers anytime they like, but writers must never ever be unfaithful to the readers.  (Double Quotes) There’s definitely a whole double standard. I don’t understand it. A guy can be sexy and good-looking, and it totally just enhances his credibility as an athlete.  (Double Quotes)
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