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If you find something that works double down on it  (Double Quotes) I’ll have my double chins in privacy  (Double Quotes) The number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double in about 18 months  (Double Quotes) Writing is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living  (Double Quotes) The command to be free is a double bind  (Double Quotes) If you double count some votes, that makes other votes disenfranchised  (Double Quotes) I was feeling single, seeing double, wound up in a whole lotta trouble  (Double Quotes) Trying to double talk, get myself in trouble talk  (Double Quotes) Let’s not have a double standard. One standard will do just fine  (Double Quotes) I had a soccer double, but most of what is in the movie is me!  (Double Quotes) If you swing both ways, you really swing. I just figure you double your pleasure  (Double Quotes) You play crotch roulette, you’re gonna hit double zero once in a while  (Double Quotes) If I asked for a cup of coffee, someone would search for the double meaning  (Double Quotes) Share weight and woe, for misfortune falls with double force on him that stands alone  (Double Quotes) Happiness in nature is a double happiness; sorrow in nature is a half sorrow!  (Double Quotes) If you want to double your success ratio, you have to double your failure ratio  (Double Quotes) If men’s minds were like dominoes, surely his would be the double blank  (Double Quotes) We are too often double espresso followers of a decaf Sovereign  (Double Quotes) You can’t triple stamp a double stamp  (Double Quotes) Not double trouble, but twice blessed  (Double Quotes) Buying on trust is the way to pay double  (Double Quotes) There’s nobody else that can double me - except for a doll  (Double Quotes) The fastest way to double your money is to use Cosmic Ordering  (Double Quotes) The fastest way to succeed is to double your rate of failure  (Double Quotes) To double your successes, you might have to double your failure rate  (Double Quotes) A single girl must lead a double life don’t you think?  (Double Quotes) Miele’ is a code name for a girl who has a double life  (Double Quotes) There is always a double meaning in life...  (Double Quotes) Nothing spells shame like living what feels like a double life  (Double Quotes) I’m a sucker for double meanings in titles  (Double Quotes)
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