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Double Quotes

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The marvelous thing about a joke with a double meaning is that it can only mean one thing  (Double Quotes) Basically I started playing double handed on both my forehand and backhand side because my first racket was very heavy  (Double Quotes) Writing, I think, is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice. Once in reality and once in that mirror which waits always before or behind  (Double Quotes) Carrying those double tanks around all the time got to be a little rough on me. I had to put that damn wetsuit on and take it off, sometimes three or four times a day  (Double Quotes) But, as we’ve seen over the last several months, the people in this country are very dissatisfied with the direction that this administration is taking this country. And what we heard last night was absolutely the ignoring of that fact. It was: We’re going to continue with this agenda. In fact, we’re going to double down on healthcare  (Double Quotes) Americans are also feeling the effects of soaring energy prices at the gas pump. The double burden of these added expenses will be far too much for many families  (Double Quotes) It is interesting to be here and to see that for certain actors they have to live in a way that you think of nobody living anymore except for in small towns. They have such elaborate double lives  (Double Quotes) You don’t cut anywhere, don’t pick down anywhere, don’t double screen, no weak side picking. All these things that should happen in a game of basketball don’t happen anymore  (Double Quotes) The sound of the mandolin is a very curious sound because it’s cheerful and melancholy at the same time, and I think it comes from that shadow string, the double strings  (Double Quotes) I’m happiest on set because I’m not myself. I’m someone else. The moustache, the dinner jacket. It’s not me. You’re always this sort of double, and it’s liberating. Imagine being stuck with yourself... all those doubts  (Double Quotes) I’ll tell you the truth; I had a double brandy before the game but, before, it used to be four bottles of whisky. Not any more. I was fine. I had a glass of wine after the game. But it was just a mouthful  (Double Quotes) Nevada once again has shown double digit increases in tax revenue... Nevada continues to show economic stability with its desirable business climate and booming tourism sector  (Double Quotes) I’ve been taking a trapeze class for the last couple of years. I’m working on my double back flip right now  (Double Quotes) What counts aren’t the number of double plays, but the ones you should have had and missed  (Double Quotes) I was probably 35 when I wrote the first story. The voice is kind of a mix in that it has a young voice, but it’s also someone who’s looking back. I like that kind of double vision  (Double Quotes) He travels fastest who travels alone, and that goes double for she. Real feminism is spinsterhood  (Double Quotes) I understood that if I wanted to work, the saxophone was the main instrument. The clarinet was what we call a double  (Double Quotes) A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it  (Double Quotes) When I’m writing a novel, I’m dealing with a double life. I live in the present at the same time that I live in the past with my characters. It is this that makes a novelist so eccentric and unpleasant  (Double Quotes) If I did everything, I probably wouldn’t be here talking to you. There aren’t too many people who can actually double me, so I do most of my stunts though  (Double Quotes) One might almost reckon mathematically that, having undergone the double composition of public opinion and of the author, their history reaches us at third hand and is thus separated by two stages from the original fact  (Double Quotes) Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure  (Double Quotes) As the presence of those we love is as a double life, so absence, in its anxious longing and sense of vacancy, is as a foretaste of death  (Double Quotes) Your son at five is your master, at ten your slave, at fifteen your double, and after that, your friend or foe, depending on his bringing up  (Double Quotes) Oh, high is the price of parenthood, and daughters may cost you double. You dare not forget, as you thought you could, that youth is a plague and a trouble  (Double Quotes) Society’s double behavioral standard for women and for men is, in fact, a more effective deterrent than economic discrimination because it is more insidious, less tangible. Economic disadvantages involve ascertainable amounts, but the very nature of societal value judgments makes them harder to define, their effects harder to relate  (Double Quotes) I’m not a pop song lyric writer. I can’t just focus on one simple meaning or even a double entendre  (Double Quotes) Much of my playing is rhythmic and choppy; I use a lot of double stops. The wah just accents all those stops and chops and brings out the rhythmic aspect that much more  (Double Quotes) Working is bad enough in the winter, but in the summer it can become completely intolerable. Stuck in airless offices, every fibre of our being seems to cry out for freedom. We’re reminded of being stuck in double maths while the birds sing outside  (Double Quotes) I do some of my stunts for the things I have learned. But if it is for something I have never learned, then I use a double  (Double Quotes)
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