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Double Quotes

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In dream yoga we use the etheric double and go beyond the confines of the physical, it’s very ecstatic  (Double Quotes) I want to question the images that are in our memory. There is always a double level in my work; what you see is true and at the same time not true  (Double Quotes) Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die  (Double Quotes) I’m aware of being a stranger, an outsider, and that’s always an advantage for an artist. It means I can see from the inside and the outside. I have that double vision  (Double Quotes) For liberty hath a sharp and double edge, fit only to be handled by just and virtuous men; to bad and dissolute, it becomes a mischief unwieldy in their own hands  (Double Quotes) Terrorism, like viruses, is everywhere. There is a global perfusion of terrorism, which accompanies any system of domination as though it were its shadow, ready to activate itself anywhere, like a double agent  (Double Quotes) A garment that is double dyed, dipped again and again, will retain the color a great while; so a truth which is the subject of meditation  (Double Quotes) I’m shocked at the sexism and double standard coming out of the far right  (Double Quotes) I was born with scoliosis. I have a double curvature of the spine, and it’s forced me to use a wheelchair because the disease has really taken hold. It really saddens me that I can’t ride  (Double Quotes) If I am using a sable, it may start off as an eight or seven, but it’s a double aught by the time I’m done. I hate brights... they have no use. You might as well buy a filbert and take the scissors and cut off half of what you paid for  (Double Quotes) It took him 75 steps to get from third to home. I thought we were going to have to go out there and help him. A lot of players start thinking double then maybe wind up with a triple because the outfielder slips  (Double Quotes) I live an artistic double life: one of classical realism and the other of aesthetic exploration  (Double Quotes) I consider myself a martial artist and an actor. They can work together or individually. I love to do action. I love having a good role in which I can act and fight. Thats double happiness  (Double Quotes) Women get hit with a double whammy. If they’re attractive, they’re presumed to have slept their way to the top. If they’re unattractive, they are presumed to have chosen a profession because they could not get a man  (Double Quotes) Poor kids are much more likely to become sick than their richer counterparts, but much less likely to have health insurance. Talk about a double whammy  (Double Quotes) If you are required to kill someone today, on the promise of a political leader that someone else shall live in peace tomorrow, believe me, you are not only a double murderer, you are a suicide, too  (Double Quotes) Nature, who permits no two leaves to be exactly alike, has given a still greater diversity to human minds. Imitation, then, is a double murder; for it deprives both copy and original of their primitive existence  (Double Quotes) It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus double agents are recruited and used  (Double Quotes) There is, apparently, some law of nature decreeing that all home construction must double in its projected cost and take four times longer than originally anticipated  (Double Quotes) It’s a funny life. Either you don’t make a red cent and you have all the time in the world, or else you get double the money and you don’t have a moment to spend a penny of it  (Double Quotes) To have children is a double living, the earthly fountain of youth, a continual fresh delight, a volcano as well as a fountain, and also a source of weariness beyond description  (Double Quotes) I never went to the gym before in my life. But, at 32, I notice that my body responds negatively to bad food, so I must make double the effort  (Double Quotes) Occasionally people will look at me and do a double take and theyll look at me like theyre trying to think where they know me from  (Double Quotes) The longing to be holy makes us weep, and we trust tears since they are made of water and come from our body, a double blessing  (Double Quotes) I believe we have a double in every country. There’s something about that that is probably a commonness that we don’t make note of. That maybe there’s only a cast for so many faces, and we live everywhere  (Double Quotes) For me to go to a restaurant and eat something that is not only good, but totally new, is a double thrill. Double the enjoyment  (Double Quotes) When I was a player and hit into a double play, I felt as if I was letting everyone down  (Double Quotes) We’ve become a nation of con men, living by selling double glazing to each other  (Double Quotes) I’m a double bagger. Not only does my husband put a bag over my face when we’re making love, but he also puts a bag over his head in case mine falls off  (Double Quotes) Worse, the deadly accuracy of filial faultfinding is facilitated by access, by trust, by willing disclosure, and so constitutes a double betrayal  (Double Quotes)
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