Douglas Hurd Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no consensus even today on the merits of Napoleon - and certainly no agreement on the rights and wrongs of the origins of the First World War. (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Despite this lamentable lack of balance in our education I do not believe that either children or adults in my country are permeated by a widespread hostility to Germany. (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
War on Iraq runs the risk of turning the Middle East into an inexhaustible recruiting ground for anti- western terrorism. (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Ten Downing Street is a house, not an office. That is its most important characteristic (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Silence is regarded as a sort of sin now, and it has to be filled with a lot of gossip and soundbites (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Some people find it difficult to argue with a woman Prime Minister and shrivel up (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
If Margaret Thatcher had been Prime Minister at the time, there would have been no Treaty of Maastricht (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
But it cannot follow that because weapons and troops are now being deployed we are bound to go to war (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Despite this lamentable lack of balance in our education I do not believe that either children or adults in my country are permeated by a widespread hostility to Germany (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Prison is an expensive way of making bad people worse (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
People know they are lacking something, they are constantly wanting some kind of spiritual guidance (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
History provides no precise guidelines (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
Wisely used history can give pleasure and provide us with a useful tool; but we should not become its slaves (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
We should be wary of politicians who profess to follow history while only noticing those signposts of history that point in the direction which they themselves already favour (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
We must admit that history is enjoyable to a large extent because it enables us to pass judgement on the past (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
It depends on how it is done but what we are drifting into, which is that people grow up without any sense of a spiritual dimension to life, is just impoverishing (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
I may be wrong in that, but not I think in putting the questions. In our modern democracy the government needs not a unanimous but a general support for war before it orders our forces to fight (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
We must admit that history is enjoyable to a large extent because it enables us to pass judgment on the past (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
There are thus great swathes of the past where understanding is more important and reputable than judgement, because the principal actors performed in line with the ideas and values of that time, not of ours (Douglas Hurd Quotes)
It is normal for politicians in all countries to profess themselves the pupils of history, anxious to draw the right lessons from her teaching (Douglas Hurd Quotes)