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Downtown Quotes

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Strange now to think of you, gone without corsets and eyes, while I walk on the sunny pavement of Greenwich Village. downtown Manhattan, clear winter noon, and I’ve been up all night, talking, talking, reading the Kaddish aloud, listening to Ray Charles blues shout blind on the phonograph  (Downtown Quotes) Downtown Toronto is a very good place to talk about the neutrality of modernist architecture. I’m sure this kind of box-building was interesting in the Twenties, Thirties and Forties, but I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to build like this in 2013.  (Downtown Quotes) I just won the gold medal and I couldn’t eat downtown. I said, ‘Something’s wrong.’ And from then on, I’ve been a Muslim.  (Downtown Quotes) I was dyslexic - was, still am - ‘cause I would see words that weren’t there. And people just started laughing, and I thought, well, this is a good way to make a living. I’ll just go downtown to read and have people laugh, you know?  (Downtown Quotes) Other kids would sneak out of the house to go to parties and do untoward things. I was sneaking out to do standup downtown. It paid off.  (Downtown Quotes) My parents, stupidly, always let me go downtown. This was pre-pager, even. It made me adventurous. I think it makes you tough.  (Downtown Quotes) I go a lot to see young people downtown in little theaters. It’s great. If you start somebody’s career, it’s so exciting.  (Downtown Quotes) A multi-purpose stadium is an absolute must in order to invigorate our downtown and, simultaneously, let the rest of the country witness that we can get things done.  (Downtown Quotes) At the end of the 1960s, I was part of the downtown theatrical movement in New York that was making work in alleyways, garages, gyms, churches, non-traditional spaces. The idea was to get away from the illusion of the conventional theatre. But then I thought, what’s wrong with illusion?  (Downtown Quotes) The old studios that mass-produced dreams are gone with the wind, just like the old downtown theaters that were the temples of the dreams.  (Downtown Quotes) Downtown New York, I’m within certain styles of music and I’m also within certain cultural, you know, and literary context.  (Downtown Quotes) As my father-in-law once said, when they talk about taxes it’s always for teachers, firemen, and police - but when they spend your taxes, it always seems to go to some guy in a leather chair downtown you never heard of.  (Downtown Quotes) I made my performance debut in New York City downtown on the Lower East Side in college doing awkward performance art as a go-go dancer at Lady Starlight’s Party. And I never thought that my love for mediocre performance art and bad mime would ever come to use in my career as an actor. But my fantasies came true and I got to play Maureen in Rent.  (Downtown Quotes) The Good Guy’ is a totally differently-looking New York than ‘How To Make It’ portrays. ‘The Good Guy’ is all about Wall Street and that culture, which ‘How To Make It’ touches on, but ‘How To Make It’ also is downtown, Lower East Side loft parties, cool clubs, Brooklyn and that world.  (Downtown Quotes) I’m the one who started redevelopment in South Los Angeles, not Jan Perry. I did it. I love Jan. She’s a good person, and she did a wonderful job with what she did downtown, but in L.A., South L.A., I’m the one.  (Downtown Quotes) My uncle was a cop, a career cop, on the beat in downtown Chicago. He was my hero when I was growing up.  (Downtown Quotes) I think I’m pretty smart on what I spend my money on. I still don’t have a new car, I drive my old car that I’ve had forever. But I bought a house in downtown Chicago.  (Downtown Quotes) Liberals want to live downtown. All over America - in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Georgetown - there are crowds of liberals living in the gritty, ugly, dirty neighborhoods sensible people are trying to flee.  (Downtown Quotes) After that, I started going downtown and doing a lot of theater shows in Chicago. When you go downtown there, it’s like you’re in New York, it’s like going to Broadway.  (Downtown Quotes) Detroit is a city that really stands out. It’s been through a very difficult time. There’s been a lot of pain here, and the city, physically, has suffered. You can see it in certain neighborhoods, and there’s buildings downtown that have been abandoned.  (Downtown Quotes) Consider that the overwhelming majority of those 40,000 near-Earth asteroids are small enough to fit on the parking lot at the mall. And while these rocky runts won’t cause Armageddon, they could still flatten such popular hominid hangouts as Manhattan or downtown Des Moines.  (Downtown Quotes) I still enjoy doing the things I’ve always done, like going to a monthly dance party at a club downtown.  (Downtown Quotes) I came from dinner, went downtown with my friends, the elevator was down, I ran down the hall toward my room at 10 at night, having had two glasses of wine  (Downtown Quotes) Many feel that sitting at a screen sweating over the design of handrail details for the next cute downtown boutique hotel just doesn’t make sense when more than 150,000 people have lost their lives, more than five million people have been made homeless and whole towns have been swept away  (Downtown Quotes) A majority of the crime in the downtown is property crime. There have been a few larcenies and burglaries, but robberies and assaults are not common in the downtown. There isn’t usually any violent crime  (Downtown Quotes) There was this long lovely dancer in a little club downtown, love to watch her do her stuff  (Downtown Quotes) I was 22 and stopped writing plays, and I didn’t start again until I was 25. I was writing badly. In college, I attempted to write these more conventional plays, but the theater I loved was downtown experimental theater. I didn’t feel like I could do that either. It didn’t occur to me to do my own thing  (Downtown Quotes) I’ve spent my life capturing beautiful images. And whether in wilderness or in the downtown of a giant city, I find connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty that I recognize as a part of me, a part of all of us that celebrates life. It’s my great pleasure to share with you that energy which inspires me; this great visual beauty of our world  (Downtown Quotes) Something amazing happens when the rest of the world is sleeping. I am glued to my chair. I forget that I ever wanted to do anything but write. The crowded city, the crowded apartment, and the crowded calendar suddenly seem spacious. Three or four hours pass in a moment; I have no idea what time it is, because I never check the clock. If I chose to listen, I could hear the swish of taxis bound for downtown bars or the soft saxophone riffs that drift from a neighbor’s window, but nothing gets through. I am suspended in a sensory deprivation tank, and the very lack of sensation is delicious  (Downtown Quotes) When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown  (Downtown Quotes)
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