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Dramatic Quotes

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I decided to take a stab at acting. I entered the American Academy of Dramatic Art, where one teacher told me I’d never make it - I was too tall.  (Dramatic Quotes) Here’s to adrenaline. Here’s to dramatic abandon of protocol. Here’s to treasured pain and purple rain. Here’s to chasing our souls, burning across to sky. Here’s to drinking the ash as it falls, and not asking why.  (Dramatic Quotes) In song the same rule applies as in dramatic verse: the meaning must yield itself, or yield itself sufficiently to arouse the attention and interest, in real time.  (Dramatic Quotes) Why are we casting all these stand-up comedians to do ‘Breaking Bad,’ one of the most dramatic TV shows ever?  (Dramatic Quotes) The farmer doesn’t care for the pitchers’ battle that resolves itself into a checkers game. The farmer loves the dramatic, and slugging is more dramatic than even the cleverest pitching.  (Dramatic Quotes) Any dramatic series the producers want us to take seriously as a representationof contemporary reality cannot be taken seriously as a representation ofanything - except a show to be ignored by anyone capable of sitting uprightin a chair and chewing gum simultaneously.  (Dramatic Quotes) Life Is Good’ represents the most beautiful, dramatic and heavy moments in my life  (Dramatic Quotes) After I got to Hollywood, I resented that I didn’t get a crack at more dramatic roles because I photographed so beautifully.  (Dramatic Quotes) I don’t know if there’s any change more significant that a human being can make than that of a woman becoming a mother. There’s no change more dramatic.  (Dramatic Quotes) In dramatic writing, the very essence is character change. The character at the end is not the same as he was at the beginning. He’s changed-psychologically, maybe even physically.  (Dramatic Quotes) Black and awkward is the worst, because black people are stereotyped as being anything but awkward in mainstream media... Black people are always portrayed to be cool or overly dramatic, anything but awkward.  (Dramatic Quotes) I do think, oddly, that a comedic actor has a better chance of pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly comedic role.  (Dramatic Quotes) There are many different ways of being funny. I’m not sure that there’s so many different ways of being dramatic.  (Dramatic Quotes) Being comedic is a skill, because there is a fine line where the context is important. And being dramatic is just being honest and real in that moment.  (Dramatic Quotes) Right now, if you’re interested in being a dramatic actor, they’re not making that many just regular dramas. Movies have to have some other thing going on.  (Dramatic Quotes) At first, being a storyteller, it was fun to dress up and fun to sing songs and pretend to be very dramatic - all of that stuff was just fun early on.  (Dramatic Quotes) I always focused on being an actor. I did stand-up briefly, but I also did a lot of dramatic work. But since I’ve been on ‘The Daily Show,’ people think I’m a comedian. That’s not how I see myself.  (Dramatic Quotes) Kelly Preston is a remarkable human being and a great dramatic actress. It was a privilege as a director to tap into this part of her. Rarely do I make a kind of spiritual connection with my cast. Kelly was a wonderful exception. She is truly very special and I adore her.  (Dramatic Quotes) Like most writers I know, I love being on stage. I’ve sublimated the dramatic urge by teaching and by making people laugh.  (Dramatic Quotes) I love women being the heroes of the piece. There is just something so dramatic and important about this story [The Nightingale ].  (Dramatic Quotes) That’s just how I see things. I think things that are the most dramatic or tragic can also look the most ridiculous and funny. That’s part of being human.  (Dramatic Quotes) The plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don’t need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone.  (Dramatic Quotes) I think it’s harder to go from comedy to drama than from drama to comedy. Seeing you dramatic all the time, they crave to see you being silly or funny. But, seeing you in comedy all the time, it’s hard to see that person go be serious, for some reason.  (Dramatic Quotes) We have no chance to comprehend what goes on there - it’s so dramatic, and people are so poor. We all felt bad about being there. Filming in India felt like we were going to borrow something knowing that we were never going to give it back.  (Dramatic Quotes) What I like writing about are people’s relationships, not necessarily great big dramatic things but the smaller things in life and how they affect characters and challenge and change the people that they are. I do like a happy ending, so my books have to have a happy ending.  (Dramatic Quotes) I like stories with a collision of disparate tones. Look at ‘Shameless’ or ‘House of Lies’. They go from big, silly, and comedic to very real dramatic moments in the wink of an eye.  (Dramatic Quotes) I start with the history, and I ask myself, ‘What are the great turning points? What are the big dramatic scenes that are essential to telling the story?’  (Dramatic Quotes) I think when smallpox was eliminated, the whole world got pretty excited about that because it’s just such a dramatic success.  (Dramatic Quotes) Things changed with the discovery of neutron stars and black holes - objects with gravitational fields so intense that dramatic space and time-warping effects occur.  (Dramatic Quotes) I wish I could write ‘Taxi Driver,’ or ‘Blue Velvet,’ something brave, audacious, dramatic and dark. I don’t know if I have the darkness in my own soul to be able to tap into it, unfortunately.  (Dramatic Quotes)
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