Draw Quotes

Text Quotes
It is truly vital for the United States to assure that it is not attacked with weapons of mass destruction; to prevent wars in other countries from spreading onto American soil; and to maintain access to global sea lanes on which our economy depends. Beyond that, there is little or nothing in the world that should draw the United States to war. (Draw Quotes)
As a writer, you have to put yourself in service to the character, get behind their eyes by delineating the world where the character develops. You have to listen to the character and see him inside his certain world to know what conclusions he would draw. (Draw Quotes)
Some remain great cities, but they shouldn’t stand still. They should move in the direction of a knowledge-oriented society. Most cities have to do something to draw attention to themselves and make their particular assets visible on the international radar. I’m not talking about developing countries, but about the United States and Europe. (Draw Quotes)
So my methodological approach is to draw on many different features in highlighting different facets of the novella (and the opera and the film). (Draw Quotes)
Drawing and color are by no means two different things. As you paint, you draw... When color is at its richest, form is at its fullest. (Draw Quotes)
One could draw up all different kinds of adversity depending on what your weakness is (Draw Quotes)
I don’t work on poems and essays at once. They walk on different legs, speak with different tongues, draw from different parts of the psyche. Their paces are also different. (Draw Quotes)
Whatever it is, if you draw, you paint, you’re a carpenter, you play football, the more you do it, you’re a journalist, the more stories you write, the more people you interview and navigate your way through these different personalities to get your story, the better you’re going to get at it. Acting’s no different. (Draw Quotes)
I’ve created a vocabulary of different styles. I draw from many different ways to take a picture. Sometimes I go back to reportage, to journalism. (Draw Quotes)
I’m an artistic kind of person. I draw. I’ve drawn my whole life. When you have an imaginative mind, I think the artistic form manifests itself in different ways. When I was younger, I used to draw murals for people. (Draw Quotes)
After the war, Germany fully confessed to all its dirty tricks. It’s necessary to is draw a line under the past, even if people did something evil. Until we do, wounds won’t heal. (Draw Quotes)
I paint and I draw and I write and I do other things too, and recently some people at school were asking if I’d ever publish any of my work. But I almost feel like I would have to publish it under another name because there’s a definition of me out there that feels kind of stuck in the moment when it was formed. (Draw Quotes)
You can’t draw lines in the sand like that. Humour’s a tsunami that doesn’t care about your little lines. (Draw Quotes)
I’ve had encounters with animals that have been really mystical. I’ve always been really into animals. But the way they appear in the paintings, they come from my mind’s eye more than: ‘I’m gonna draw a dog now.’ It isn’t thought out: ‘Now I’m gonna draw a bird.’ They just appear. (Draw Quotes)
When you take on something like your footprint on the environment, you have to say, ‘Where am I going to draw the circle around my level of responsibility and then where do I assume that others will take responsibility?’ (Draw Quotes)
Don’t waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. (Draw Quotes)
A bachelor May thrive by observation on a little, A single life’s no burthen: but to draw In yokes is chargeable, and will require A double maintenance. (Draw Quotes)
I could walk into anyone’s home one time and draw a three-dimensional architectural plan of the inside of their home from memory, but I could not add up a column of numbers. (Draw Quotes)
When I did ‘Alien: Resurrection’, a lot of the guys worked on planned production, and one of them was really into comic books and would draw all sorts of characters, and I was impressed with his sketches. (Draw Quotes)
I think my most famous was ‘Poco’s Legend.’ It’s a white album with a simple line drawing of a horse. It almost has a Picasso feel to it. I remember that Rusty Young, the lead singer of the band, said, ‘I want you to draw a horse for the song ‘Legend,’ which is about a phantom spirit horse. I want you to do it in several lines.’ (Draw Quotes)
I loved drawing, but I just couldn’t do it to the level that some of my friends could. That pulled me up unconsciously because I wanted to be like them, and I wanted to draw. (Draw Quotes)
I go out each morning and draw. I can’t really start a painting in the morning until I’ve done a drawing. (Draw Quotes)
There’s no sense drawing attention to yourself, Li.Hellooooo. I’m aHorseman of the Apocalypse, and I’m betrothed to the most infamous, most powerful demon in existence. I couldn’t draw more attention to myself I I wore Lady Gaga’s meat dress to a PETA convention. (Draw Quotes)
In middle school, I started to draw, and my pencil sketches were huge. They were these 4ft by 3ft drawings, and I got a lot of attention for that, so that was very validating. But I didn’t start cartooning until I was in college. (Draw Quotes)
I’ve always called myself a journalist who happens to draw. If I wasn’t drawing cartoons, I’d be writing stories. (Draw Quotes)
My dream was to draw for ‘The Beano.’ When I was 10 years old, I started drawing cartoon strips with ‘The Beano’ in mind. I lived in that world. You own a comic, it’s yours and adults don’t understand it. You could pile them up under the bed, and if you were off school ill, you’d go through them all. (Draw Quotes)
We made drawings the size of a whole quarter of a room ceiling, which we would then send on to the model makers. I did this every day for two years. Even now I can draw cartouches with my eyes closed. (Draw Quotes)
I burned out my drawing hand by using it too much. The common word for it is writer’s cramp. The fancy words for it are focal dystonia. The symptom in my case was a pinky finger that went spastic when I tried to draw. (Draw Quotes)
In my writing class, we never, ever talk about the writing - ever. We never address a story that’s been read. I also won’t let anyone look at the person who’s reading. No eye contact; everybody has to draw a spiral. And I would like to do a drawing class where we could talk about anything except for the drawing. No one could even mention it. (Draw Quotes)
Drawing is not only a way to come up with pictures: drawing is a way to educate your eye to understand visual information, organizing it into a more hierarchical way, a more economical way. When you see something, if you draw often and frequently, you examine a room very differently. (Draw Quotes)