Drawing Quotes

Text Quotes
Drawing is based upon perspective, which is nothing else than a thorough knowledge of the function of the eye (Drawing Quotes)
The art of drawing which is of more real importance to the human race than that of writing... should be taught to every child just as writing is (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is a kind of hypnotism: one looks in such a way at the model, that he comes and takes a seat on the paper (Drawing Quotes)
I burned out my drawing hand by using it too much. The common word for it is writer’s cramp. The fancy words for it are focal dystonia. The symptom in my case was a pinky finger that went spastic when I tried to draw (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is a way of coming upon the connection between things, just like metaphor in poetry reconnects what has become separated (Drawing Quotes)
For the artist, drawing is discovery. And that is not just a slick phrase; it is quite literally true (Drawing Quotes)
I want to be alone and work until the day my heads hits the drawing table and I’m dead. Kaput. I feel very much like I want to be with my brother and sister again. They’re nowhere. I know they’re nowhere and they don’t exist, but if nowhere means that’s where they are, that’s where I want to be (Drawing Quotes)
When I’m drawing, I’m drawing with the light, being completely open and creative. I can’t draw in the evening. I need light and I need warmth if it is a summer thing, and I need cold if it is a winter collection. The good thing is that I have houses to go to whenever I’m working. I draw according to the place (Drawing Quotes)
Literature duplicates the experience of living in a way that nothing else can, drawing you so fully into another life that you temporarily forget you have one of your own. That is why you read it, and might even sit up in bed till early dawn, throwing your whole tomorrow out of whack, simply to find out what happens to some people who, you know perfectly well, are made up (Drawing Quotes)
He leaned closer, their faces drawing near, and he could feel the heat of her breath mingling with his. He closed his eyes against the memory of a thousand other kisses and touched his lips to hers. He felt a kind of spark, and all at once he felt her slowly coming back to him. She was the arm that held him close in times of trouble, she was the whisper on the pillow beside him at night (Drawing Quotes)
Sin also carries on its war by entangling the affections and drawing them into an alliance against the mind. Grace may be enthroned in the mind, but if sin controls the affections, it has seized a fort from which it will continually assault the soul. Hence, as we shall see, mortification is chiefly directed to take place upon the affections (Drawing Quotes)
Matisse makes a drawing, then he makes a copy of it. He copies it five times, ten times, always clarifying the line. He’s convinced that the last, the most stripped down, is the best, the purest, the definitive one; and in fact, most of the time, it was the first. In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt (Drawing Quotes)
At such times I felt something was drawing me away, and I kept fancying that if I walked straight on, far, far away and reached that line where the sky and earth meet, there I should find the key to the mystery, there I should see a new life a thousand times richer and more turbulent than ours (Drawing Quotes)
Every day is like a kid’s drawing, offered to you with a strange mix of ceremoniousness and offhand disregard, yours for the keeping. Some of the days are rich and complicated, others inscrutable, others little more than a stray gray mark on a ragged page. Some you manage to hang on to, though your reasons for doing so are often hard to fathom. But most of them you just ball up and throw away (Drawing Quotes)
In forgiving, people are not being asked to forget. On the contrary, it is important to remember, so that we should not let such atrocities happen again. Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done. It means taking what happened seriously... drawing out the sting in the memory that threatens our entire existence (Drawing Quotes)
Learn how to meditate on paper. Drawing and writing are forms of meditation. Learn how to contemplate works of art. Learn how to pray in the streets or in the country. Know how to meditate not only when you have a book in your hand but when you are waiting for a bus or riding in a train (Drawing Quotes)
The misery of other people is only an abstraction something that can be sympathized with only by drawing from one’s own experiences. But as it stands, true empathy remains impossible. And so long as it is, people will continue to suffer the pressure of their seemingly singular existence (Drawing Quotes)
When you draw a nude, sketch the whole figure and nicely fit the members to it and to each other. Even though you may only finish one portion of the drawing, just make certain that all the parts hang together, so that the study will be useful to you in the future (Drawing Quotes)
I love tattooed women, maybe because they are uncontrollable, they are themselves to the point of drawing symbols of their power on their skin. Talk about owning your own body, being in your body, claiming yourself. I love it. When the world is in an uproar over whether women should have a choice or not when it comes to their own bodies, being tattooed is one of the most visible choices of all (Drawing Quotes)
Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow (Drawing Quotes)
All true education is the drawing out from the student what is already there. Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember. All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured (Drawing Quotes)
The reason they look the way they do is that the first drawing I did of them was really small so I didn’t draw fingers, nose, ears, etc and this drawing had a certain appeal that I really liked (Drawing Quotes)
By drawing or exposing two or more patterns on the same bit of film I can create harmony and textual effects (Drawing Quotes)
I have become intrigued with the combining of seemingly unrelated ideas or images, or the drawing upon the many, sometimes dissimilar, meanings a word might have (Drawing Quotes)
I’m just drawing it now. It’s totally revolting. I’m sure you’ll love it (Drawing Quotes)
We don’t sell technical drawings except when they are incorporated into a drawing or a collage (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is giving a performance; an artist is an actor who is not limited by the body, only by his ability and, perhaps, experience (Drawing Quotes)
It wasn’t a problem for me drawing humans although I had originally come to the studio with the idea that what I had to offer them was my knowledge in the drawing of animals (Drawing Quotes)
Throughout my career, when I was finished with the drawing for one film I would go up to the story department and help develop sequences. Sometimes these were for scenes that I would animate later on (Drawing Quotes)
It became clear to me that I had to push it toward a more representational way of drawing (Drawing Quotes)