Drawing Quotes

Text Quotes
I think it’s important to keep things private, and there are certain boundaries I feel very particular about drawing. It may seem fastidious, but my experience of talking to the press is that I need those boundaries to remain very clear. (Drawing Quotes)
As someone who writes and teaches YA fiction, I spend a lot of time trying to define its character and readership, and I don’t think I’m alone - genres are all about boundary drawing, and the YA genre is, in a lot of ways, about carving out boundaries around adolescence, a space for teenagers to do teenage things. (Drawing Quotes)
I prefer drawing the things I’ve written to handing them off to another artist. Turns out I’m a huge control freak - and because I write in thumbnails, the art is already happening by the time I start writing! (Drawing Quotes)
I’ve always called myself a journalist who happens to draw. If I wasn’t drawing cartoons, I’d be writing stories. (Drawing Quotes)
I am quite convinced now... that the actual training of drawing cartoons - which is, of course, my style - led to my producing Spot. Cartoons must be very simple and have as few words as possible, and so, too, must the ‘Spot’ books. (Drawing Quotes)
Even if you’re drawing a cartoon and exaggerating, you want to capture something true about the person. (Drawing Quotes)
Any cartoon that can be liked by a committee is really not worth drawing; in fact, must not be drawn at all! Better to become a stockbroker. (Drawing Quotes)
Some things that I write, you’ll see a page with cartoon pictures or a drawing of a car - like a Ford - or a flag. I still do it on an occasion when a word is strange to me. (Drawing Quotes)
Only Fools and Horses’ was just one of those shows that could keep on going and going, that excited me. ‘Hartbeat with Tony Hart’ and ‘Rolf’s Cartoon Club’ were my huge favourites, though. I used to love drawing and always sent work in to the show. (Drawing Quotes)
My dream was to draw for ‘The Beano.’ When I was 10 years old, I started drawing cartoon strips with ‘The Beano’ in mind. I lived in that world. You own a comic, it’s yours and adults don’t understand it. You could pile them up under the bed, and if you were off school ill, you’d go through them all. (Drawing Quotes)
Can you look without the voice in your head commenting, drawing conclusions, comparing, or trying to figure something out? (Drawing Quotes)
The art of drawing conclusions from experiments and observations consists in evaluating probabilities and in estimating whether they are sufficiently great or numerous enough to constitute proofs. This kind of calculation is more complicated and more difficult than it is commonly thought to be. . . . (Drawing Quotes)
I don’t really picture anyone when I’m drawing. They just become their own completed person with googly eyes. (Drawing Quotes)
We still insist, by and large, in thinking that we can understand China by simply drawing on Western experience, looking at it through Western eyes, using Western concepts. If you want to know why we unerringly seem to get China wrong... this is the reason. (Drawing Quotes)
When you’re drawing something, you kind of run a movie in your head. You might close your eyes or stare into the distance and kind of see a movie unfolding and, you know, grab a certain moment or think, ‘Oh, yeah, that’s when we need just the point that he appears around the corner but just as she’s getting into the car,’ you know? (Drawing Quotes)
With six small diamonds for his eyes He walks upon the summer skies, Drawing from his silken blouse The lacework of his dwelling house. (Drawing Quotes)
To see persons looking with children’s eyes at any ordinary scenery, is a proof that they possess the charming faculty of drawing new sensations from an old experience... (Drawing Quotes)
It’s as if I were collaborating with myself, revealing my relationship to the material. My hand would make the drawing. Then my mouth would transmit it. (Drawing Quotes)
I burned out my drawing hand by using it too much. The common word for it is writer’s cramp. The fancy words for it are focal dystonia. The symptom in my case was a pinky finger that went spastic when I tried to draw. (Drawing Quotes)
As to the ‘St. Michael,’ the subject is very fine, but very difficult, so I doubt that I shall find easily amongst my pupils one capable of carrying it out satisfactorily even after my own drawing. In any case, it will be necessary for me to touch it up carefully with my own hand. (Drawing Quotes)
My reading and drawing drew me away from the ordinary interests, and I lived a great deal in the world of imagination, feeding upon any book that fell into my hands. When I had got hold of a really thick book like Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables,’ I was happy and would go off into a corner to devour it. (Drawing Quotes)
I was the kind of kid who couldn’t really stop making up stories during class. I didn’t do very well academically because I was always drawing these little doodles in the margins of my notebooks and I wasn’t bringing home the best grades. (Drawing Quotes)
In my writing class, we never, ever talk about the writing - ever. We never address a story that’s been read. I also won’t let anyone look at the person who’s reading. No eye contact; everybody has to draw a spiral. And I would like to do a drawing class where we could talk about anything except for the drawing. No one could even mention it. (Drawing Quotes)
It wasn’t that I wanted to be an artist. But when I took my first drawing class with the painter Doug Ohlson, I could never finish a drawing. (Drawing Quotes)
Sheldon Vanauken wrote that the strongest argument for Christianity is Christians, when they are drawing life from God. The strongest argument against Christianity? Also Christians, when they become exclusive, self-righteous, and complacent. (Drawing Quotes)
I have been drawing and creating visual works my entire life, as long as I can remember (Drawing Quotes)
I’ve been drawing my whole life. My mom says my sister and I were drawing by age 1. Animation seems a real, natural extension of drawing as a way of telling a story visually. (Drawing Quotes)
Prayer is to the spiritual life what the beating of the pulse and the drawing of the breath are to the life of the body. (Drawing Quotes)
I’ve been drawing all my life, just as a hobby, without really having shows or anything. It’s just an agreeable thing to do, and I recommend it to everybody. (Drawing Quotes)
Stop the bullsh*t. Stop drawing lines in the sand like previous generations [have done]. (Drawing Quotes)