Drawing Quotes

Text Quotes
Breathing involves a continual oscillation between exhaling and inhaling, offering ourselves to the world at one moment and drawing the world into ourselves at the next (Drawing Quotes)
What attracted me was less art itself than the artist’s life and all that it meant for me: the idea of creativity and freedom of expression and action. I had been attracted to painting and drawing for a long time, but it was not an irresistible passion; what I wanted, at all costs, was to escape the monotony of life (Drawing Quotes)
Up in this air you breathed easily, drawing in a vital assurance and lightness of heart. In the highlands you woke up in the morning and thought: Here I am, where I ought to be (Drawing Quotes)
I know how mirrors work. They’re all in league with the cosmetics trade. They tell a woman lies. Drawing her gaze from one imagined flaw to another, until all she sees is a constellation of imperfections. If you could get outside yourself, borrow my eyes for just an instant... There is only beauty (Drawing Quotes)
I usually use quick sketches that I accumulated from the figure drawing classes I once instructed (Drawing Quotes)
While most students were trying to draw one beautiful finished piece, I would be in the background drawing dozens of studies at different angles to use later (Drawing Quotes)
... nature seems very conversant with the rules of pure mathematics, as our own mathematicians have formulated them in their studies, out of their own inner consciousness and without drawing to any appreciable extent on their experience of the outer world (Drawing Quotes)
I have drawn all my life, I don’t know how to live without drawing (Drawing Quotes)
The subject should be observed more for shape and color than for drawing... precise drawing is dry and hampers the impression of the whole, it destroys all sensations (Drawing Quotes)
I go out each morning and draw. I can’t really start a painting in the morning until I’ve done a drawing (Drawing Quotes)
I have learned that what I have not drawn I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is, sheer miracle (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is the most inalienable medium. It is private; it practically doesn’t have an audience in mind, just the artist’s expression (Drawing Quotes)
You can only learn to paint by drawing, for drawing is a way of reserving a place for color in advance (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is the basis of art. A bad painter cannot draw. But one who draws well can always paint (Drawing Quotes)
For me, drawing is everything, because it informs everything. It even informs my poetry. It’s the way I begin everything (Drawing Quotes)
More important than having a romance with the object that I’m drawing, is to have a romance with the mark that I am making (Drawing Quotes)
Drawing is a way for me to articulate things inside myself that I can’t otherwise grasp (Drawing Quotes)
Not even pencil or charcoal is needed. Drawing can also be done with a brush. But drawing is a must, if not, no painting can resist (Drawing Quotes)
The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards (Drawing Quotes)
Writing fiction is a solitary occupation but not really a lonely one. The writer’s head is mobbed with characters, images and language, making the creative process something like eavesdropping at a party for which you’ve had the fun of drawing up the guest list. Loneliness usually doesn’t set in until the work is finished, and all the partygoers and their imagined universe have disappeared (Drawing Quotes)
True intimacy is a human constant. People of all types find it equally hard to achieve, equally precious to hold. Age, education, social status, make little difference here; even genius does not presuppose the talent to reveal one’s self completely and completely absorb one’s self in another personality. Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy (Drawing Quotes)
When I’m doing a drawing, I’m personifying the place that is empty. A place that is unmarked (Drawing Quotes)
For me drawing is an attempt to understand what I feel about the world I live in (Drawing Quotes)
When the inventor of the drawing board messed things up, what did he go back to? (Drawing Quotes)
I must have been born under an unlucky star. You know I have filled out entry blanks for every single drawing in the supermarket for the last twelve years, and the only thing I ever won was a coupon for a small little jar of tomato paste. But they were out of tomato paste, and by the time they got more in, my coupon had expired. And now I have venereal disease (Drawing Quotes)
A mental image gives you a framework upon which to work. It is like the drawing of the architect, or the map of the explorer. Think over this for a few moments until you get the idea firmly fixed in your mind (Drawing Quotes)
Actually, I don’t really draw that well. It’s just that I don’t stop trying as quickly. I keep at it. I happen to have high standards and I try to meet them. I have to struggle like hell to make a drawing look good (Drawing Quotes)
Directing ain’t about drawing a neat little picture and showing it to the cameraman. I didn’t want to go to film school. I didn’t know what the point was. The fact is, you don’t know what directing is until the sun is setting and you’ve got to get five shots and you’re only going to get two (Drawing Quotes)
My work has to do with a defense against fervor. People are always in a rush. To do what? To do nothing! There is a kind of fervor that is completely meaningless. This drawing is a call for meditation... I am an insomniac, so for me the state of being asleep is paradise. It is a paradise I can never reach. But I still try to conquer the insomnia, and to a large extent I have done it; it is conquerable. My drawings are a kind of rocking or stroking and an attempt at finding peace. Peaceful rhythm. Like rocking a baby to sleep (Drawing Quotes)
It’s funny, but many people don’t understand why I draw so many games nowadays. They think my style must have changed but this is not the case at all. The answer to this drawing disease is that my favorite squares are e6, f7, g7 and h7 and everyone now knows this. They protect these squares not once but four times! (Drawing Quotes)