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Dread Quotes

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Dread more the blunderer’s friendship than the calumniator’s enmity  (Dread Quotes) I look forward to seeing your body in summer clothes as much as I dread having to conceal my own  (Dread Quotes) We see that hyperactivity and reward areas are important when the bubble’s rising. People getting caught up in it. We also see areas involving mentalizing, which means thinking about other people: Who’s buying? Who’s selling? Do they know something? We see emotional areas before the crash that indicate a sense of uncertainty or dread  (Dread Quotes) Men ought to know that from the brain and from the brain only arise our pleasures, joys, laughter, and jests as well as our sorrows, pains, griefs and tears. ... It is the same thing which makes us mad or delirious, inspires us with dread and fear, whether by night or by day, brings us sleeplessness, inopportune mistakes, aimless anxieties, absent-mindedness and acts that are contrary to habit  (Dread Quotes) But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover’d country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?  (Dread Quotes) There is no better example of the weakness of our dominant medicine than its clearly ineffective War On Cancer. By the same token, there is no better example of the superiority of complementary, alternative medicine than its management of this dread disease. We are equally concerned about whether mainstream medicine’s demand for proof works to maintain it at its current level of ineptitude.  (Dread Quotes) You can be living in a big house, driving a nice car, going on exotic vacations and still be empty inside, crippled with fear and dread.  (Dread Quotes) Every child senses, with all the horse sense that’s in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be.  (Dread Quotes) Nor dread nor hope attendA dying animal;A man awaits his endDreading and hoping all  (Dread Quotes) If! If! If! There were so many ifs in life, never any sense of security, always the dread of losing everything...  (Dread Quotes) Dear friends, we may well sing to our Beloved when it is near the time of our departure. It draws near, and as it approaches, we must not dread it, but rather thank God for it.  (Dread Quotes) The redhead looked back and forth between them with dread in her eyesOh, dear, scheming. I was afraid this would happen if we got chummy again.  (Dread Quotes) It’s funny, the moment you dread the most, seeing yourself bald, is actually not such a bad moment at all.  (Dread Quotes) One may as well be optimistic. The road to catastrophe will be rougher if it’s paved with dread.  (Dread Quotes) The beautiful thing about ‘The Strain Trilogy’ is the ability to move from gore to high fable to creeping dread to domestic drama to unbearable suspense to the uncanny and on and on. The epic journey is designed to support these swings in mood, and that complements my tastes, which are wide-ranging.  (Dread Quotes) Conservatives cherished it for being small and inconvenient, and thus keeping out the new people whom New York was beginning to dread and yet be drawn to  (Dread Quotes) A religious ought to dread more being afraid of poverty than experiencing it  (Dread Quotes) When fear makes your choices for you, no security measures on earth will keep the things you dread from finding you. But if you can avoid avoidance - if you can choose to embrace experiences out of passion, enthusiasm, and a readiness to feel whatever arises - then nothing, nothing in all this dangerous world, can keep you from being safe.  (Dread Quotes) There are many tough sides to being a jockey. Injury is something we all dread, but spending lengthy periods in the bath or the sauna just to shed a few pounds can be an exhausting and draining experience.  (Dread Quotes) When we love, we are courageous; and courage has nothing to do with being fearless, it’s about being willing to experience fear, even dread, to do what we must, without guarantee of outcome.  (Dread Quotes) Black boys became criminalized. I was in constant dread for their lives, because they were targets everywhere. They still are.  (Dread Quotes) The act of exercising at 6 A.M. really helped me. It made me not dread the workout part of my day all day long. Also, when I went to have a tiny cheat, I would really think back to how hard I worked and thought, ‘It is not worth going to boot camp an extra week over one peanut butter cup.’  (Dread Quotes) I dread handshakes. I’ve got some problems with my hands, and everywhere I go, people want to impress me with their grip. To make it worse, now women are coming up with that firm shake. So I’ll say, ‘Gimme five!’ If a boy wants a handshake, I’ll just give him a hug.  (Dread Quotes) She lost much of her appetite. At night, an invisible hand kept shaking her awake every few hours. Grief was physiological, a disturbance of the blood. Sometimes a whole minute would pass in nameless dread - the bedside clock ticking, the blue moonlight coating the window like glue - before she`d remember the brutal fact that had caused it.  (Dread Quotes) You achieve strength, braveness and confidence by each experience in which you really halt to search dread during the deal with  (Dread Quotes) When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person’s physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one’s eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one’s eternal welfare.  (Dread Quotes) From the top of a high rock, I obtained a good few of the most extensive and dreary wilderness I ever beheld. It chilled the heart to gaze on these barrens of Labrador. Indeed, I now dread every change of harbor, so horridly rugged and dangerous is the whole coast and country to the eye, and to the experienced man either of the sea or the land.  (Dread Quotes) It is a dreadful truth that the state of having to depend solely on God is what we all dread most.... It is good of Him to force us; but dear me, how hard to feel that it is good at the time.  (Dread Quotes) It is much better to die of hunger unhindered by grief and fear than to live affluently beset with worry, dread, suspicion and unchecked desire.  (Dread Quotes) I dread the day I leave [Doctor Who], because then I’ll have to go back to writing bedrooms and offices and pubs. And maybe a field, if I’m lucky.  (Dread Quotes)
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