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Dream Quotes

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We are near awakening when we dream that we dream  (Dream Quotes) The courage to receive time’s mightiest dream  (Dream Quotes) It is in vain to dream of a wildness distant from ourselves  (Dream Quotes) My dream is to eventually open a children’s theatre  (Dream Quotes) To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep  (Dream Quotes) There should be fireworks, at least, when a dream dies  (Dream Quotes) Don’t let anyone steal your dream. It’s your dream, not theirs  (Dream Quotes) Why shouldn’t a madman dream of being sane?  (Dream Quotes) I had a dream, which was not all a dream  (Dream Quotes) A change came over the spirit of my dream  (Dream Quotes) Love alone was left, as a great image of a dream that was erased  (Dream Quotes) From the pain come the dream  (Dream Quotes) I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream  (Dream Quotes) It seems like all this life was just a dream  (Dream Quotes) All men dream. But I know dreams for dreams. This is reality  (Dream Quotes) I dream of hiking into my old age  (Dream Quotes) Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions  (Dream Quotes) What we dream up must be lived down, I think  (Dream Quotes) A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory  (Dream Quotes) For I see now that I am asleep that I dream when I am awake  (Dream Quotes) It was a dream of perfect bliss, too beautiful to last  (Dream Quotes) Only of one thing I am sure: when I dream I am always ageless  (Dream Quotes) Men dream of courtship, but in wedlock wake  (Dream Quotes) We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open  (Dream Quotes) Sweet is the dream, divinely sweet, when absent souls in fancy meet  (Dream Quotes) Everything starts as somebody’s day dream  (Dream Quotes) Thoughts so sudden, that they seem the revelations of a dream  (Dream Quotes) Let me dream that love goes with us to the shore unknown  (Dream Quotes) The million covet wealth, but how few dream of its perils?  (Dream Quotes) I’m always pursuing the next dream, hunting for the next truth  (Dream Quotes)
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