Dream Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s a dream of mine. I worked very, very hard for many years. But the reality is, it’s slow coming... I think we’re still a generation away from that (Dream Quotes)
We do not have it out there as a distant dream. This could actually be reality (Dream Quotes)
I got to see first hand what he has done to make this a reality. That has been real rewarding to watch him achieve his dream (Dream Quotes)
Visionaries have the unique ability to dream of what’s possible and then make it a reality. We are excited to watch these visionaries use technology to help students develop skills in collaboration, critical thinking and teamwork that they’ll need to compete in the global economy (Dream Quotes)
You may dream about turning it around as quickly as we did, but you wouldn’t expect it to become reality,... But we jelled quickly and got it done. We’re a whole new defense compared to last year (Dream Quotes)
The dream of coming back is becoming a reality. A lot of the uncertainty about the future has been cleared up. A lot of people are no longer cursing the darkness and have started lighting candles and doing positive things (Dream Quotes)
I have been waiting a long time for this. It’s been my dream forever. Now that it’s a reality, I love it. I haven’t been burnt out at all and I have a bunch of guys with me that feel the same way (Dream Quotes)
I dream... of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction (Dream Quotes)
Playing baseball is not real life. It’s a fantasy world... It’s a dream come true (Dream Quotes)
My dream was actually just to have a computer some day. If I’d imagined that it meant starting a company to sell them, I probably would have avoided the whole thing (Dream Quotes)
You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad (Dream Quotes)
Who wants to put together something that will bear some relationship to the vision or memory or experience or story or idea or dream or whatever (Dream Quotes)
It is exactly the unattainability, which differentiates a dream from a goal: Goals are reachable, when you fight for them. Dreams are not. Athletes shouldn’t dream, but set goals for themselves and fight for them (Dream Quotes)
And then, into the fantasy, as into a dream, would come the thought: it’s not like this anymore; the world has changed. Just the way, even at that time fully two years after my mother’s death, I’d catch myself thinking about her as alive; and would suddenly remember, an admonitory finger of grief upon my breast, that she was gone (Dream Quotes)
Universal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man’s greatest efforts (Dream Quotes)
I always live in the present. I never dream about what might happen. Why? It might not (Dream Quotes)
The anarch is oriented to facts, not ideas. He fights alone, as a free man, and would never dream of sacrificing himself to having one inadequacy supplant another and a new regime triumph over the old one. In this sense, he is closer to the philistine; the baker whose chief concern is to bake good bread; the peasant, who works his plow while armies march across his fields (Dream Quotes)
We had set out in a rain of flowers to seek the death of heroes. The war was our dream of greatness, power and glory. It was a man’s work, a duel on the fields whose flowers would be stained with blood. There is no lovelier death in the world... Anything rather than stay at home, anything to make one with the rest (Dream Quotes)
I do dream about art, and images come to me in dreams. I am definitely hoping to be in touch with my subconscious. I expect a call any minute (Dream Quotes)
Meanwhile, let us have a sip of tea. The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos, the fountains are bubbling with delight, the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle. Let us dream of evanescence, and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things (Dream Quotes)
Music has its own internal logic. It is like the logic of a dream, clear in its own terms but not necessarily in everyday terms. Sometimes it expresses something you can describe in words, but not always (Dream Quotes)
The dream world of sleep and the dream world of music are not far apart. I often catch glimpses of one as I pass through a door to the other, like encountering a neighbor in the hallway going into the apartment next to one’s own. In the recording studio, I would often lie down to nap and wake up with harmony parts fully formed in my mind, ready to be recorded. I think of music as dreaming in sound (Dream Quotes)
Live. Love. Smile. Hug. Laugh. Dream. Do. Create. Have fun. Be intense. Be audacious. Be unreasonable. Act impeccably. Breathe. Be you. Be different (Dream Quotes)
When you punish a person for dreaming his dream, don’t expect him to thank or forgive you (Dream Quotes)
For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. On a fine but by no means transcendent date we dream of going home to watch television. We would prefer to be alone with our own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit. We are almost constitutionally incapable of casual relationships (Dream Quotes)
You’re a doer, because you’re prepared to make the necessary effort to translate your dream into action (Dream Quotes)
I think memories are like dreams. Not reliable proof of anything. I can’t prove a memory any more than I can prove a dream (Dream Quotes)
I can’t imagine what my school friends must have thought was going on because I was wandering around in some kind of dream. I felt as though my insides had been taken out which is, I now realize, the right feeling (Dream Quotes)
The spectacle is the bad dream of a modern society in chains and ultimately expresses nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep (Dream Quotes)
There are eyes everywhere. No blind spot left. What shall we dream of when everything becomes visible? We’ll dream of being blind (Dream Quotes)