Dream Quotes

Text Quotes
I did always dream of being a professional player. I think every kid does dream of being a pro, but to last the journey you have to love tennis as a sport and if you are lucky enough to make it in the pros, it is really a bonus (Dream Quotes)
I think all tennis players have to struggle through the early stages of their career. We start off playing tournaments and really just get by. I always had a dream to play in the big tournaments and never have doubted if it was worth it. Having to battle a little early on in my career makes it all the more worthwhile now (Dream Quotes)
I always wanted to be a musician from when I was kid. It was always a massive dream of mine. School was also really really important to me and having an education was top of my priority. So I really wanted to have a degree before I tried anything in the music industry (Dream Quotes)
Who do you think of first in the morning? Good manipulators do it in the dream plane. The morning practice of meditation increases the aura to ward of negative energy. Meditate before bed if you are being attacked psychically (Dream Quotes)
The greatest miracle is the miracle of wakefulness, to awaken from the dream of life and to see infinity everywhere, even in the finite, in the simple doings of life (Dream Quotes)
It is the mind that weaves the dream of life, it convinces us that what we see is what is apparent and what is real, and that there’s nothing else outside of our perception (Dream Quotes)
What you have known of this life so far is only a dream, a slim dream at that. As one who has traveled greatly in the worlds, I can assure you there is much to see and much to become (Dream Quotes)
Reality does appear to exist, there does appear to be birth, youth, people appear to have children. But all of it’s a dream. These are isolated moments that are only connected by perception. There is no separation (Dream Quotes)
It is only when we are by ourselves that we can know others. When we are with other human beings we are distracted. People try and dream us into their dreams (Dream Quotes)
I had this totally impossible dream of being an actress. Trust me, just because I’m lucky enough to be doing this doesn’t make any of this less of a pipe dream. And nothing gets my juices flowing like a really great performance. To see someone on stage, I get really excited (Dream Quotes)
It’s always a dream to be on the cover, it’s one of the things an athlete always aspires to do, to be on the cover of a videogame, but I never thought I would get to do it this quick (Dream Quotes)
It is truly difficult to make a democracy. Democracy, like arty dream, is not made with spiritual words but with reflection and practice. It is not what I say that says I am a democrat, that I am not racist or machista but what I do. What I say must not be contradicted by what I do. It is what I do that bespeaks my faithfulness or not to what I say (Dream Quotes)
Never get so stuck in being responsible and mindful that you can’t let it all go and run off chasing your private dream, if it leads to the shiny worlds, the worlds of beauty (Dream Quotes)
We are not really separate beings of light. That’s a dream we are having, the dream of multiplicity. Meditation takes us beyond the moment to eternal awareness (Dream Quotes)
The energy strands and bands of our being are linked in a certain way and makes us what we are. It causes us to perceive a certain level of the dream of life. But you can reorder those. That’s magic, you see (Dream Quotes)
The dreams of the self are manifold and endless and they exist in all the myriad worlds and conditions that appear to have solidity. When you’re dreaming at night, something seems very real, but when you wake up the dream is gone and so is all that apparent solidity (Dream Quotes)
Part of my function as a writer is to dream awake. And that usually happens. If I sit down to write in the morning, in the beginning of that writing session and the ending of that session, I’m aware that I’m writing. I’m aware of my surroundings. It’s like shallow sleep on both ends, when you go to bed and when you wake up. But in the middle, the world is gone and I’m able to see better (Dream Quotes)
Dancing of the autumn leaves on the surface of a lake is a dream we see when we are awake! (Dream Quotes)
Dare to dream of your great success. Become intimate with those things which deeply motivate you and regularly work toward the realization of that mission (Dream Quotes)
Even if you can’t just snap your fingers and make a dream come true, you can travel in the direction of your dream, every single day and you can shorten the distance between the two of you (Dream Quotes)
My biggest dream is that my words will inspire heart, hope and personal responsibility in people around the globe long after my feet in these shoes aren’t walking the planet (Dream Quotes)
In the winter you may want the summer; in the summer, you may want the autumn; in the autumn, you may want the winter; but only in the spring you dream and want no other season but the spring! (Dream Quotes)
Although the events we appear to perceive in dreams are illusory, our feelings in response to dream content are real. Indeed, most of the events we experience in dreams are real; when we experience feelings, say, anxiety or ecstasy, in dreams, we really do feel anxious or ecstatic at the time (Dream Quotes)
In most of our dreams, our inner eye of reflection is shut and we sleep within our sleep. The exception takes place when we seem to awake within our dreams, without disturbing or ending the dream state, and learn to recognize that we are dreaming while the dream is still happening (Dream Quotes)
In the dream state, the only essential difference from waking is the relative absence of sensory input, which makes dreaming a special case of perception without sensory input (Dream Quotes)
We go to the movies to forget about time, to be in a dream state. And it’s entertainment, distraction, from the fact that everything is kind of crumbling in front of our eyes (Dream Quotes)
My dream is to be on my boat. Or on an island. Or in my house in the country. That’s my dream (Dream Quotes)
The whole dream of having your own place is great, but the reality is having to cook and clean yourself and do the washing and make sure there’s milk in the fridge. But you have to grow up some time (Dream Quotes)
God’s dream for us is not simply peace of mind, but peace on earth (Dream Quotes)
It is good to dream! After I dream, I envision, and after I envision, I create! (Dream Quotes)