Dreaming Quotes

Text Quotes
The light of memory, or rather the light that memory lends to things, is the palest light of all. I am not quite sure whether I am dreaming or remembering, whether I have lived my life or dreamed it. Just as dreams do, memory makes me profoundly aware of the unreality, the evanescence of the world, a fleeting image in the moving water (Dreaming Quotes)
Don’t be so familiar and so much into the details. Keep people dreaming. Close the window, and make them wonder (Dreaming Quotes)
If you get an infection, you get a fever; the fever is your body dealing with the infection. If you get traumatized, your mind and your brain have a reaction to that trauma. If you’re not dreaming about it, something’s probably wrong (Dreaming Quotes)
I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light (Dreaming Quotes)
When my mother did fittings for her clients, I was hiding, looking at these beautiful ladies try on these fantastic clothes. I was dreaming as a small child to try these clothes on myself (Dreaming Quotes)
Our brain simulates reality. So, our everyday experiences are a form of dreaming, which is to say, they are mental models, simulations, not the things they appear to be (Dreaming Quotes)
We always know when we are awake that we cannot be dreaming even though when actually dreaming we feel all this may be real (Dreaming Quotes)
So long as one’s just dreaming about what to do, one can soar like an eagle and move mountains, it seems, but as soon as one starts doing it one gets worn out and tired (Dreaming Quotes)
In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming. Horror he had adjusted to. But monotony was the greater obstacle, and he realized it now, understood it at long last. And understanding it seemed to give him a sort of quiet peace, a sense of having spread all the cards on his mental table, examined them, and settled conclusively on the desired hand (Dreaming Quotes)
Many people find bald, unvarnished truths so disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the sand and start dreaming at the first sign of scientific reality (Dreaming Quotes)
And therefore I looked down into the great pity of a person’s life on this earth. I don’t mean that we all end up dead, that’s not the great pity. I mean that he couldn’t tell me what he was dreaming, and I couldn’t tell him what was real (Dreaming Quotes)
If you just go on dreaming then it stays a dream and becomes stale and dead. But first to dream and then to do isn’t that the way to make a dream come true (Dreaming Quotes)
The room was darker and smelled of evergreen, as though my mother had been dreaming of trees (Dreaming Quotes)
Dreaming was easier than screaming, and screaming was easier than worrying, and worrying was easier than crying, which was what she knew she would be reduced to if she didn’t keep a hard eye on herself (Dreaming Quotes)
... along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast imagination, or Dreaming, of the world (Dreaming Quotes)
When it comes, you’ll be dreaming that you don’t need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it’s part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark (Dreaming Quotes)
Dream of me, my beloved family, happy in my plundering and adventuring, for when the waves rock me to sleep tonight, I will be dreaming of you (Dreaming Quotes)
I was already dozing off in the shade, dreaming that the rustling trees were my many selves explaining themselves all at the same time so that I could not make out a single word. My life was a beautiful mystery on the verge of understanding, always on the verge! Think of it! (Dreaming Quotes)
It was when I realised I had a new nationality: I was in exile. I am an adulterous resident: when I am in one city, I am dreaming of the other. I am an exile; citizen of the country of longing (Dreaming Quotes)
Church always seemed the same. Jess could tune it out the same way he tuned out school, with his body standing up and sitting down in unison with the rest of the congregation but his mind numb and floating, not really thinking or dreaming but at least free (Dreaming Quotes)
Dreaming led to disappointment, and disappointment to a kind of depressed funk that wasn’t easy to shake. Better to stay in the gray than get eaten by the dark (Dreaming Quotes)
Dance is communication, and so the great challenge is to speak clearly, beautifully, and with inevitability. Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made. Dancing is like dreaming with your feet! (Dreaming Quotes)
I learned what every dreaming child needs to know, that no horizon is so far you cannot get above it or beyond it (Dreaming Quotes)
There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition (Dreaming Quotes)
There’s a difference between dreaming and doing. The dreamers just sit around and moon about how wonderful it would be if only things were different. The years roll on and by and by they grow old and they forget everything, even about their dreams (Dreaming Quotes)
The sight of him did something to me I’ve never quite been able to explain. He was more than tremendous speed and beauty of motion. He set me dreaming (Dreaming Quotes)
The human drama is reaching its denouement. The great unveiling is approaching, a time when the power structures of the world begin to crumble and people of the heart sing out a new truth. Many voices are joining the chorus, many feet are walking the path, many minds are dreaming possibilities for a magnificent future. For beneath the crises that are looming at every level of civilization, the global heart is awakening, beating out the rhythm of a new and glorious dance, calling us to a better way of living (Dreaming Quotes)
It is not until you awaken and become fully present that you will realize that you have not been present. It is not until you awaken that you will realize you have been asleep, dreaming that you are awake (Dreaming Quotes)
Its at night, when perhaps we should be dreaming, that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull. I don’t know if anyone has ever pointed out that great attraction of insomnia before, but it is so; the night seems to release a little more of our vast backward inheritance of instincts and feelings; as with the dawn, a little honey is allowed to ooze between the lips of the sandwich, a little of the stuff of dreams to drip into the waking mind (Dreaming Quotes)
What are books but tangible dreams? What is reading if it is not dreaming? The best books cause us to dream; the rest are not worth reading (Dreaming Quotes)