Dreamt Quotes

Text Quotes
I dreamt four nights ago of clock hands descending from the universe like rain, of the moon as a green eye, of mirrors and insects, of a love that never withdrew. It was not the feeling of completeness that I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty (Dreamt Quotes)
Who among us has not dreamt, in moments of ambition, of the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhythm and rhyme, supple and staccato enough to adapt to the lyrical stirrings of the soul, the undulations of dreams, and sudden leaps of consciousness (Dreamt Quotes)
Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man (Dreamt Quotes)
There are more things twixt the vermiform appendix and nirvana than are dreamt of in thy philosophy horatio (Dreamt Quotes)
I dreamt that my hair was kempt. Then I dreamt that my true love unkempt it (Dreamt Quotes)
Make it sound as though a theory is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night (Dreamt Quotes)
I dreamt t’other night that I was a founder of a sect; of course a personage of great sanctity and importance. It was called the sect of utilitarians (Dreamt Quotes)
In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men (Dreamt Quotes)
I probably dreamt about running off to America or something when I was 16 because it just seemed like I was studying algebra and going, ‘What am I going to use this for (Dreamt Quotes)
Creationists make it sound as though a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night (Dreamt Quotes)
I think the world would be much better if you always started the morning by calling the person you dreamt of during the night (Dreamt Quotes)
When I was 15, I started playing first class cricket and always dreamt of being a Test cricketer, wanted to do something for the country, married in 1995, have 2 kids it’s been great (Dreamt Quotes)
If I dreamt this, while walking, walking in the London streets, the subconscious of each and every other life, past and present, brushing me in passing, what makes it real? Writing it down (Dreamt Quotes)
I always said I would take a bullet for you, I just never dreamt you would be the one pulling the trigger (Dreamt Quotes)
I was never a girl that dreamt of being a princess and I never dreamt about my wedding day. I hated pink and I hated fairies. I only liked hanging out with boys. I remember throwing a tantrum if my mum put me in pink. I wasn’t a particularly girly girl (Dreamt Quotes)
When I started acting classes, I was inspired. The truth is I never dreamt of being an actress as a child. But it just happened. When I started studying and getting on stage, it just came to me. I never said ‘I want to be an actress.’ It just happened. I started discovering myself and realized I loved it (Dreamt Quotes)
Creationists make it sound as though a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night. (Dreamt Quotes)
Last night, I had that dream again. I dreamt I had to take a test, in a Dairy Queen, on another planet. (Dreamt Quotes)
When I was growing up, there were very few women athletes. I remember watching Olga Corbett, but Peggy Fleming and Janet Lynn were my role models. I never dreamt that I could be at that level. I remember thinking they seemed so elegant and regal and powerful and feminine. (Dreamt Quotes)
I dreamt of becoming a ballet dancer. I studied with the Royal Academy of London for 11 years, and that did not pan out, but my love for being on stage was born there. And then, I actually went to drama school in Paris, France. That’s where it first started. (Dreamt Quotes)
I feel myself becoming the fearless person I have dreamt of being. Have I arrived? No. But I’m constantly evolving and challenging myself to be unafraid to make mistakes. (Dreamt Quotes)
I never even dreamt of being a writer because I didn’t feel allowed. When I was a child I was terribly ambitious, but I didn’t know at all what this great thing would become. (Dreamt Quotes)
I just...I’ve fantasized about peace and quiet for so long, dreamt about being left alone...but when the TV was off, and the sun was down...I’m in a full sob right now. I’ve just never felt so alone, and I couldn’t take it. (Dreamt Quotes)
I don’t want there to be this separation between the rich and poor. I may be part of the three percent because I’ve been fortunate and done well for myself, but I will never forget about the 97 percent. That was me growing up. I was so poor I dreamt about being just ‘regular poor,’ not ‘poor, poor.’ (Dreamt Quotes)
I think I’ve grown up in a mixed environment, and maybe a lot of the time I haven’t really belonged anywhere in the way I’ve dreamt of belonging to, you know, living on the street and playing to all the kids on the street, growing up together. I suppose ‘Raw Like Sushi’ was a place where all of those things could come together. (Dreamt Quotes)
I just wasn’t one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding day and the birth of her first child. (Dreamt Quotes)
I woke up one morning with the knowledge that I had a brain tumor. It wasn’t so much that I dreamt I had a brain tumor; it was like someone just poured the knowledge into my head. It wasn’t like an image; it was just like knowing. It was so weird, which is why I paid attention. (Dreamt Quotes)
I had a very strong desire to carry out adventures, but in those early days I didn’t actually do any. I just dreamt about it. (Dreamt Quotes)
I did spend a lot of my childhood playing out movie scenarios in my head. I’d walk along the road, pretending like I was in the army, talking on the radio, and doing maneuvers. I dreamt a lot about performing in movies and living in fantasies. (Dreamt Quotes)
I grew up in Belle Harbor, which is in New York City, but it has the most powerful sense of nature and seasons. It wasn’t even the beach and the water. I just dreamt about everything that had to do with nature. I read about Thoreau. (Dreamt Quotes)