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Dressing Quotes

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Don’t wear green in your dressing room,’ suggested Miss Spink.’Or mention the Scottish play, added Miss Forcible.  (Dressing Quotes) The other day someone left a piece of plasticine in my dressing room. I didn’t know what to make of it.  (Dressing Quotes) The old water heater in my dressing room was working, but it was kind of tired. It gave off about as much warmth as an agent’s handshake.  (Dressing Quotes) I have to keep Dune perfume in my dressing room, because I always wear it, but I must never put it on in case it makes me choke.  (Dressing Quotes) A lot of people don’t really understand what rehearsal’s about. People are afraid they’re gonna leave it in the dressing room, or you’re gonna shoot your wad in rehearsal.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m very used to stages and dressing rooms. And dare I say it, much as I like being at home, I love the buzz of a new hotel room.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m not envious of Leo [Messi]or Ney [Neymar]. Why would I be? If there is envy in the dressing room, you know it’s only going to affect results.  (Dressing Quotes) I really felt sometimes like I was physically pulling the plot, and it was heavy. I’m sure it didn’t look great that I was going into my dressing room at lunch.  (Dressing Quotes) Today was about execution, period. Every single player, all of us in the dressing room right now, we’re embarrassed because that’s not the way we want to play soccer.  (Dressing Quotes) I like to personalise my dressing room, have a cover for the bed and, if it is a long run, a few cushions and a teapot - a little pot for one.  (Dressing Quotes) I did an episode on my talk show on cellulite, and I brought seven women into a dressing room at Nordstrom’s in L.A., and we all sat and talked about our cellulite.  (Dressing Quotes) I generally have one or two drinks. I hang out in the dressing room, and it’s not always the most attractive place to be, so just being able to have a drink is nice.  (Dressing Quotes) I’d always fantasized about writing a new play. Even when I had all this success in television, what I was daydreaming about in my dressing room is that one day I would do it.  (Dressing Quotes) I mean when you come into the set at 7:30 in the morning and you come out of make-up and the first thing you know, the ladies start coming into our dressing rooms at 7:45.  (Dressing Quotes) I always found the road exciting. I liked stinking hotels and freezing dressing rooms.  (Dressing Quotes) On the track, you`re Tommie Smith, the fastest man in the world, but once you`re in the dressing rooms, you are nothing more than a dirty Negro.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m very used to stages and dressing rooms. And dare I say it, much as I like being at home, I love the buzz of a new hotel room. It never quite loses its thing.  (Dressing Quotes) There was no glam squad, whatsoever. There were no dressing rooms. There were no bathrooms. Let’s start at our base level. We didn’t have toilet paper. We went to the woods to use the bathroom.  (Dressing Quotes) Knowing who you really are and dressing the part -- with an air of amused recklessness -- is life affirming for you and life enhancing for other people.  (Dressing Quotes) I like to pick out a certain part of each show I’m in and I watch it when I’m not onstage or in my dressing room. I’ll go down to the stage and watch that part of the show each night.  (Dressing Quotes) Where I went to school, Eton College, we had to wear dark trousers, a tailcoat, and a stiff, starched collar every day, and that was fine with me: Part of the reason I wanted to go there was because I’ve always loved dressing up.  (Dressing Quotes) I’ve always wanted to tackle the casual part of dressing. Knits to me are always just easy. I’ve fantasized about packing a suitcase of only knits: You just throw them in, roll them in a ball, pull them out and they still look fabulous.  (Dressing Quotes) Unfortunately, diet is 75 or 80 percent of trying to get in shape, so you do have to try to cut the carbs. The diet’s a huge part! I’m from Kansas, so I love ranch dressing and McDonald’s. When I’m working, I have to stay away from all that!  (Dressing Quotes) I had Cooper in December and was back on the red carpet in January. I picked him up and took him to work with me, you know, took him to my dressing room. So he’s been raised the same way I was, which is that work is such a big part of our lives.  (Dressing Quotes) When I did ‘Racing Demon’ by David Hare, I worked with Paul Giamatti, who had stacks of books in his dressing room. I was offstage a lot, so I would go read in his room. He was reading a four-part series on the Byzantine Empire by Alexander A. Vasiliev. I read two of those during the run of the play.  (Dressing Quotes) Red carpets and dressing up are a part of work that I enjoy less than some people  (Dressing Quotes) I love dressing up, although that doesn’t mean necessarily on the school run  (Dressing Quotes) The ladies of comedy now are comfortable dressing up. It’s not forbidden anymore.  (Dressing Quotes) Dressing up. People just don’t do it anymore. We have to change that.  (Dressing Quotes) I’ve always enjoyed fashion and dressing up for things, whether it’s high fashion or play fashion.  (Dressing Quotes)
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